
Image of the angle I'm looking for

This answer与之类似,但我想调整FOV而不是相机的距离



Image of the triangle that will give the correct angle

// to get the fov to fit the sphere into the camera
var vFOV = 2 * Math.asin(sphereRadius / distance);
// get the project's aspect ratio to calculate a horizontal fov
var aspect = this.width / this.height;
// more trig to calculate a horizontal fov, used to fit a sphere horizontally
var hFOV = 2 * Math.atan(Math.tan(vFOV / 2) / aspect);

这将以弧度给出答案。将hFOV或vFOV乘以fov * (180 / Math.PI)度,然后将其应用于camera.fov

最初,我遇到了使用错误三角形的陷阱。作为this answer states

Image of the wrong triangle for a cropped view

10-07 17:51