
servicecounty AS County,
sum(case when month(entrydate) = 1 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then    totalpaymenttotal else 0 end) as January,
sum(case when month(entrydate) = 2 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then totalpaymenttotal else 0 end) as February,
sum(case when month(entrydate) = 3 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then totalpaymenttotal else 0 end) as March,
sum(case when month(entrydate) = 4 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then  totalpaymenttotal else 0 end) as April,
sum(case when month(entrydate) = 5 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then  totalpaymenttotal else 0 end) as May,
sum(case when month(entrydate) = 6 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then totalpaymenttotal else 0 end) as June,
sum(case when month(entrydate) = 7 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then totalpaymenttotal else 0 end) as July,
 sum(case when month(entrydate) = 8 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then totalpaymenttotal else 0 end) as August,
sum(case when month(entrydate) = 9 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then totalpaymenttotal else 0 end) as September,
sum(case when month(entrydate) = 10 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then totalpaymenttotal else 0 end) as October,
sum(case when month(entrydate) = 11 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then totalpaymenttotal else 0 end) as November,
sum(case when month(entrydate) = 12 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then totalpaymenttotal else 0 end) as December,
sum(case when month(entrydate) = 1 and year(entrydate) = 2015 then totalpaymenttotal else 0 end) as [January 15],
sum(case when month(entrydate) = 2 and year(entrydate) = 2015 then totalpaymenttotal else 0 end) as [February 15],
sum(case when month(entrydate) = 3 and year(entrydate) = 2015 then totalpaymenttotal else 0 end) as [March 15],
sum(case when month(entrydate) = 4 and year(entrydate) = 2015 then totalpaymenttotal else 0 end) as [April 15]
from Sheet$
group by servicecounty, program

servicecounty AS County,
COUNT(case when month(entrydate) = 1 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then ApplicationID else 0 end) as January,
count(case when month(entrydate) = 2 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then ApplicationID else 0 end) as February,
count(case when month(entrydate) = 3 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then ApplicationID else 0 end) as March,
count(case when month(entrydate) = 4 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then ApplicationID else 0 end) as April,
count(case when month(entrydate) = 5 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then ApplicationID else 0 end) as May,
count(case when month(entrydate) = 6 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then ApplicationID else 0 end) as June,
count(case when month(entrydate) = 7 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then ApplicationID else 0 end) as July,
count(case when month(entrydate) = 8 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then ApplicationID else 0 end) as August,
count(case when month(entrydate) = 9 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then ApplicationID else 0 end) as September,
count(case when month(entrydate) = 10 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then ApplicationID else 0 end) as October,
count(case when month(entrydate) = 11 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then ApplicationID else 0 end) as November,
count(case when month(entrydate) = 12 and year(entrydate) = 2014 then ApplicationID else 0 end) as December,
Count(case when month(entrydate) = 1 and year(entrydate) = 2015 then ApplicationID  else 0 end) as [January 15],
Count(case when month(entrydate) = 2 and year(entrydate) = 2015 then ApplicationID  else 0 end) as [February 15],
Count(case when month(entrydate) = 3 and year(entrydate) = 2015 then ApplicationID  else 0 end) as [March 15],
Count(case when month(entrydate) = 4 and year(entrydate) = 2015 then         ApplicationID  else 0 end) as [April 15]
 from Sheet$
group by servicecounty, program
ORDER BY program









count()更改为sum(),将then更改为then 1
else 0更改为else NULL


08-26 06:21