3-d中的一个点由(x,y,z)定义。任何两个点(X,Y,Z)和(x,y,z)之间的距离d为d = Sqrt [(X-x)^ 2 +(Y-y)^ 2 +(Z-z)^ 2]。




#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy

NDIM = 3 # number of dimensions

# read points into array
a = numpy.fromfile('million_3D_points.txt', sep=' ')
a.shape = a.size / NDIM, NDIM

point = numpy.random.uniform(0, 100, NDIM) # choose random point
print 'point:', point
d = ((a-point)**2).sum(axis=1)  # compute distances
ndx = d.argsort() # indirect sort

# print 10 nearest points to the chosen one
import pprint
pprint.pprint(zip(a[ndx[:10]], d[ndx[:10]]))

$ time python nearest.py
point: [ 69.06310224   2.23409409  50.41979143]
[(array([ 69.,   2.,  50.]), 0.23500677815852947),
 (array([ 69.,   2.,  51.]), 0.39542392750839772),
 (array([ 69.,   3.,  50.]), 0.76681859086988302),
 (array([ 69.,   3.,  50.]), 0.76681859086988302),
 (array([ 69.,   3.,  51.]), 0.9272357402197513),
 (array([ 70.,   2.,  50.]), 1.1088022980015722),
 (array([ 70.,   2.,  51.]), 1.2692194473514404),
 (array([ 70.,   2.,  51.]), 1.2692194473514404),
 (array([ 70.,   3.,  51.]), 1.801031260062794),
 (array([ 69.,   1.,  51.]), 1.8636121147970444)]

real    0m1.122s
user    0m1.010s
sys 0m0.120s

#!/usr/bin/env python
import random
for _ in xrange(10**6):
    print ' '.join(str(random.randrange(100)) for _ in range(3))

$ head million_3D_points.txt

18 56 26
19 35 74
47 43 71
82 63 28
43 82 0
34 40 16
75 85 69
88 58 3
0 63 90
81 78 98



#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy

NDIM = 3 # number of dimensions

# read points into array
a = numpy.fromfile('million_3D_points.txt', sep=' ')
a.shape = a.size / NDIM, NDIM

point =  [ 69.06310224,   2.23409409,  50.41979143] # use the same point as above
print 'point:', point

from scipy.spatial import KDTree

# find 10 nearest points
tree = KDTree(a, leafsize=a.shape[0]+1)
distances, ndx = tree.query([point], k=10)

# print 10 nearest points to the chosen one
print a[ndx]

$ time python nearest_kdtree.py

point: [69.063102240000006, 2.2340940900000001, 50.419791429999997]
[[[ 69.   2.  50.]
  [ 69.   2.  51.]
  [ 69.   3.  50.]
  [ 69.   3.  50.]
  [ 69.   3.  51.]
  [ 70.   2.  50.]
  [ 70.   2.  51.]
  [ 70.   2.  51.]
  [ 70.   3.  51.]
  [ 69.   1.  51.]]]

real    0m1.359s
user    0m1.280s
sys 0m0.080s


// $ g++ nearest.cc && (time ./a.out < million_3D_points.txt )
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>  // _1
#include <boost/lambda/bind.hpp>    // bind()
#include <boost/tuple/tuple_io.hpp>

namespace {
  typedef double coord_t;
  typedef boost::tuple<coord_t,coord_t,coord_t> point_t;

  coord_t distance_sq(const point_t& a, const point_t& b) { // or boost::geometry::distance
    coord_t x = a.get<0>() - b.get<0>();
    coord_t y = a.get<1>() - b.get<1>();
    coord_t z = a.get<2>() - b.get<2>();
    return x*x + y*y + z*z;

int main() {
  using namespace std;
  using namespace boost::lambda; // _1, _2, bind()

  // read array from stdin
  vector<point_t> points;
  cin.exceptions(ios::badbit); // throw exception on bad input
  while(cin) {
    coord_t x,y,z;
    cin >> x >> y >> z;

  // use point value from previous examples
  point_t point(69.06310224, 2.23409409, 50.41979143);
  cout << "point: " << point << endl;  // 1.14s

  // find 10 nearest points using partial_sort()
  // Complexity: O(N)*log(m) comparisons (O(N)*log(N) worst case for the implementation)
  const size_t m = 10;
  partial_sort(points.begin(), points.begin() + m, points.end(),
               bind(less<coord_t>(), // compare by distance to the point
                    bind(distance_sq, _1, point),
                    bind(distance_sq, _2, point)));
  for_each(points.begin(), points.begin() + m, cout << _1 << "\n"); // 1.16s

g++ -O3 nearest.cc && (time ./a.out < million_3D_points.txt )
point: (69.0631 2.23409 50.4198)
(69 2 50)
(69 2 51)
(69 3 50)
(69 3 50)
(69 3 51)
(70 2 50)
(70 2 51)
(70 2 51)
(70 3 51)
(69 1 51)

real    0m1.152s
user    0m1.140s
sys 0m0.010s


#include <algorithm>           // make_heap
#include <functional>          // binary_function<>
#include <iostream>

#include <boost/range.hpp>     // boost::begin(), boost::end()
#include <boost/tr1/tuple.hpp> // get<>, tuple<>, cout <<

namespace {
  typedef double coord_t;
  typedef std::tr1::tuple<coord_t,coord_t,coord_t> point_t;

  // calculate distance (squared) between points `a` & `b`
  coord_t distance_sq(const point_t& a, const point_t& b) {
    // boost::geometry::distance() squared
    using std::tr1::get;
    coord_t x = get<0>(a) - get<0>(b);
    coord_t y = get<1>(a) - get<1>(b);
    coord_t z = get<2>(a) - get<2>(b);
    return x*x + y*y + z*z;

  // read from input stream `in` to the point `point_out`
  std::istream& getpoint(std::istream& in, point_t& point_out) {
    using std::tr1::get;
    return (in >> get<0>(point_out) >> get<1>(point_out) >> get<2>(point_out));

  // Adaptable binary predicate that defines whether the first
  // argument is nearer than the second one to given reference point
  template<class T>
  class less_distance : public std::binary_function<T, T, bool> {
    const T& point;
    less_distance(const T& reference_point) : point(reference_point) {}

    bool operator () (const T& a, const T& b) const {
      return distance_sq(a, point) < distance_sq(b, point);

int main() {
  using namespace std;

  // use point value from previous examples
  point_t point(69.06310224, 2.23409409, 50.41979143);
  cout << "point: " << point << endl;

  const size_t nneighbours = 10; // number of nearest neighbours to find
  point_t points[nneighbours+1];

  // populate `points`
  for (size_t i = 0; getpoint(cin, points[i]) && i < nneighbours; ++i)

  less_distance<point_t> less_distance_point(point);
  make_heap  (boost::begin(points), boost::end(points), less_distance_point);

  // Complexity: O(N*log(m))
  while(getpoint(cin, points[nneighbours])) {
    // add points[-1] to the heap; O(log(m))
    push_heap(boost::begin(points), boost::end(points), less_distance_point);
    // remove (move to last position) the most distant from the
    // `point` point; O(log(m))
    pop_heap (boost::begin(points), boost::end(points), less_distance_point);

  // print results
  push_heap  (boost::begin(points), boost::end(points), less_distance_point);
  //   O(m*log(m))
  sort_heap  (boost::begin(points), boost::end(points), less_distance_point);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < nneighbours; ++i) {
    cout << points[i] << ' ' << distance_sq(points[i], point) << '\n';

$ g++ -O3 nearest.cc && (time ./a.out < million_3D_points.txt )

point: (69.0631 2.23409 50.4198)
(69 2 50) 0.235007
(69 2 51) 0.395424
(69 3 50) 0.766819
(69 3 50) 0.766819
(69 3 51) 0.927236
(70 2 50) 1.1088
(70 2 51) 1.26922
(70 2 51) 1.26922
(70 3 51) 1.80103
(69 1 51) 1.86361

real    0m1.174s
user    0m1.180s
sys 0m0.000s


// $ g++ -O3 nearest.cc && (time ./a.out < million_3D_points.txt )
#include <algorithm>           // sort
#include <functional>          // binary_function<>
#include <iostream>

#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/range.hpp>     // begin(), end()
#include <boost/tr1/tuple.hpp> // get<>, tuple<>, cout <<

#define foreach BOOST_FOREACH

namespace {
  typedef double coord_t;
  typedef std::tr1::tuple<coord_t,coord_t,coord_t> point_t;

  // calculate distance (squared) between points `a` & `b`
  coord_t distance_sq(const point_t& a, const point_t& b);

  // read from input stream `in` to the point `point_out`
  std::istream& getpoint(std::istream& in, point_t& point_out);

  // Adaptable binary predicate that defines whether the first
  // argument is nearer than the second one to given reference point
  class less_distance : public std::binary_function<point_t, point_t, bool> {
    const point_t& point;
    explicit less_distance(const point_t& reference_point)
        : point(reference_point) {}
    bool operator () (const point_t& a, const point_t& b) const {
      return distance_sq(a, point) < distance_sq(b, point);

int main() {
  using namespace std;

  // use point value from previous examples
  point_t point(69.06310224, 2.23409409, 50.41979143);
  cout << "point: " << point << endl;
  less_distance nearer(point);

  const size_t nneighbours = 10; // number of nearest neighbours to find
  point_t points[nneighbours];

  // populate `points`
  foreach (point_t& p, points)
    if (! getpoint(cin, p))

  // Complexity: O(N*m)
  point_t current_point;
  while(cin) {
    getpoint(cin, current_point); //NOTE: `cin` fails after the last
                                  //point, so one can't lift it up to
                                  //the while condition

    // move to the last position the most distant from the
    // `point` point; O(m)
    foreach (point_t& p, points)
      if (nearer(current_point, p))
        // found point that is nearer to the `point`

        //NOTE: could use insert (on sorted sequence) & break instead
        //of swap but in that case it might be better to use
        //heap-based algorithm altogether
        std::swap(current_point, p);

  // print results;  O(m*log(m))
  sort(boost::begin(points), boost::end(points), nearer);
  foreach (point_t p, points)
    cout << p << ' ' << distance_sq(p, point) << '\n';

namespace {
  coord_t distance_sq(const point_t& a, const point_t& b) {
    // boost::geometry::distance() squared
    using std::tr1::get;
    coord_t x = get<0>(a) - get<0>(b);
    coord_t y = get<1>(a) - get<1>(b);
    coord_t z = get<2>(a) - get<2>(b);
    return x*x + y*y + z*z;

  std::istream& getpoint(std::istream& in, point_t& point_out) {
    using std::tr1::get;
    return (in >> get<0>(point_out) >> get<1>(point_out) >> get<2>(point_out));


08-07 15:24