int id1;   //variables used in the isr should be volatile
int chid;

void *ConfigureISR(void)   //void *ISR (void *arg)
    /*  the software must tell the OS that it wishes to associate the ISR with a particular source of interrupts
    * /  *  On x86 platforms, there are generally 16 hardware Interrupt Request lines (IRQs) */
    StartInterruptTime = GetTimeStamp();   //startTime of the interrupt
    // volatile int irq = 11;   //0 :   A clock that runs at the resolution set by ClockPeriod()
    //  InterruptEnable();
    ThreadCtl (_NTO_TCTL_IO, NULL);  // enables the hardware interrupt
    // Initialize event structure
    // Setup COID and event
    /* Tell the kernel to attach an interrupt signal event to this thread */
    //        chid = ChannelCreate( 0 );
    SIGEV_INTR_INIT( &event);
    //id1 = InterruptAttach(0, ISR, NULL, 0, 0);    // ISR is the interrupt service routine
    id1 = InterruptAttach(_NTO_INTR_CLASS_SYNTHETIC, ISR, NULL, 0, 0);
    if (id1 == -1)
        fprintf(stderr, "can't attach to IRQ\n");
        perror (NULL);
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
        InterruptWait(NULL, NULL);
    EndInterruptTime =  GetTimeStamp();
    InterruptLatency = (EndInterruptTime - StartInterruptTime);
    printf("Inerrupt latency is %llu",InterruptLatency);   //I am getting warning
    measurements[17] = InterruptLatency;





好。如果InterruptLatency类型不是int64_t,请使用此printf("Inerrupt latency is %lu",InterruptLatency);

实际上,在InterruptLatency中使用正确的pintf("Inerrupt latency is %Type_of_InterruptLatency",InterruptLatency);类型

08-07 04:16