我正在尝试运行以下程序并且可以运行,但是当我输入的值超过小数点后6位时,它会不断四舍五入。 2.999999-> 3.如何设置它使其停止执行此操作?

int main()

    double n=0, x=0;

    while (cin >> n >> x) //will keep going until an integer is not entered
       cout << "You entered the two integers " << x << " and " << n << endl;

       if (x-n <= (1.0/10000000) && n-x <= (1.0/10000000))
          cout << "The numbers are almost equal" << endl;

return 0;



您可以使用 std::setprecision 更改打印值的精度:

cout << "You entered the two integers " << setprecision(20) << x
     << " and " << n << endl;

Link to ideone.

10-07 16:44