如何使用Excel VBA宏查找字符串中正斜杠字符(/)的出现次数?
使用以下功能,如count = CountChrInString(yourString, "/")
''' Returns the count of the specified character in the specified string.
Public Function CountChrInString(Expression As String, Character As String) As Long
' ? CountChrInString("a/b/c", "/")
' 2
' ? CountChrInString("a/b/c", "\")
' 0
' ? CountChrInString("//////", "/")
' 6
' ? CountChrInString(" a / b / c ", "/")
' 2
' ? CountChrInString("a/b/c", " / ")
' 0
Dim iResult As Long
Dim sParts() As String
sParts = Split(Expression, Character)
iResult = UBound(sParts, 1)
If (iResult = -1) Then
iResult = 0
End If
CountChrInString = iResult
End Function