我有一个Cloud Code函数,它将执行同一块n次。该块包含一个带有auth标头的http调用。为简单起见,我在main.js的根目录下创建了一个函数。该函数需要返回结果并将authData保留在内存中(以便将其重用于以后的调用)。

function requestURI (uri){
    var authData; // gets generated if null, should be reused if not null
    var result; // supposingly contains the results

    return something();


然后,我希望从Parse函数获得此函数。 (整个目的是使该功能可被其他任何人重用)

Parse.Cloud.define("testCall", function(request, response) {
    var uri1 = '...';
    var uri2 = '...';
    var uri3 = '...';

    return requestURI(uri1).then(function(){
        // how do I get the result of my request?
        return request(uri2);
        // how do I get the result of my request?
        return request(uri3);




 return Parse.Cloud.httpRequest({
        method: 'GET',
        url: url,
        headers: {
            "Authorization" : digestAuthHeader
        success: function(httpResponse) {
            // all went well, let's increase the nonceCount, for future calls
            authData["nc"] += 1;
            // I need to return the result object in a promise
            result = httpResponse.data;
            // return a Promise that can be handled by any function
            return Parse.Promise.as(result)); // this promise doesn't work
        error: function(httpResponse) {
            console.error('Request failed with response code ' + httpResponse.status);
            return (null,Parse.Promise.error(httpResponse.text));


// authData is not null, we can make an authenticated call
function makeAuthenticatedRequest(){
    // generate the appropriate auth Header;
    var digestAuthHeader = generateDigestAuthHeader();

    return Parse.Cloud.httpRequest({
        method: 'GET',
        url: url,
        headers: {
            "Authorization" : digestAuthHeader
        }}).then(function(httpResponse) {
            // all went well, let's increase the nonceCount, for future calls
            authData["nc"] += 1;
            // create the final object to return in a promise
            result = httpResponse.data;

            console.log(result) // returns something not null!!!

            // return a Promise that can be handled by any function
            return promise.resolve({'authData': authData, 'result': result});
        function(error) {
            console.error('Request failed with response code ' + error.status);
            return (null,Parse.Promise.error(error));

Parse.Cloud.define("testCall", function(request, response) {
    var uri1 = '...';
    var authData;

    return apiCall1001Menus(authData,uri1).then(function(result){
        response.success(result); // returns {}





以下内容以function makeAuthenticatedRequest() deferred antipatterncallback的方式重写promise



function makeAuthenticatedRequest(){
    // generate the appropriate auth Header;
    var digestAuthHeader = generateDigestAuthHeader();
    var promise = new Parse.promise();
        method: 'GET',
        url: url,
        headers: {
            "Authorization" : digestAuthHeader
        success: function(httpResponse) {
            // all went well, let's increase the nonceCount, for future calls
            authData["nc"] += 1;
            // create the final object to return in a promise
            result = httpResponse.data;

            console.log(result) // returns something not null!!!

            // return a Promise that can be handled by any function
            promise.resolve({'authData': authData, 'result': result});
        error: function(error) {
            console.error('Request failed with response code ' + error.status);
            // it could be promise.resolve (success) or promise.reject (error)
    return promise;


function makeAuthenticatedRequest(){
    // generate the appropriate auth Header;
    var digestAuthHeader = generateDigestAuthHeader();

    return Parse.Cloud.httpRequest({
            method: 'GET',
            url: url,
            headers: {
                "Authorization" : digestAuthHeader
        }).then(function(httpResponse) {
            // all went well, let's increase the nonceCount, for future calls
            authData["nc"] += 1;
            // create the final object to return in a promise
            result = httpResponse.data;

            console.log(result) // returns something not null!!!

            // return a Promise that can be handled by any function
            return {'authData': authData, 'result': result};
        }, function(error) {
            console.error('Request failed with response code ' + error.status);
            return Parse.Promise.error(error);

10-06 00:50