
当我添加ReDim Preserve行时,出现下标超出范围错误。

Function CreateTrainingSet(TrainingPercent As Double, Inputs() As Double, Outputs() As Double)
 ' Create Randomized Training set data
 Dim TrainingInputs() As Double, TrainingOutputs() As Double
 Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, count As Integer
 'ReDim TrainingInputs(UBound(Inputs, 1), UBound(Inputs, 2))
 'ReDim TrainingOutputs(UBound(Outputs, 1), UBound(Outputs, 2))
 count = 0

 ' Move TraningPercent % of data from Inputs and Outputs to TrainingInputs and TrainingOutputs
 For i = LBound(Inputs, 1) To UBound(Inputs, 1)
  Dim ran As Double
  ran = Rnd()
  If ran <= TrainingPercent Then
   count = count + 1
   For j = LBound(Inputs, 2) To UBound(Inputs, 2)
    ReDim Preserve TrainingInputs(1 To count, 1 To UBound(Inputs, 2))
    TrainingInputs(count, j) = Inputs(i, j)
   Next j
   For j = LBound(Outputs, 2) To UBound(Outputs, 2)
    ReDim Preserve TrainingOutputs(1 To count, 1 To UBound(Outputs, 2))
    TrainingOutputs(count, j) = Outputs(i, j)
   Next j
  End If
 Next i

 For i = LBound(TrainingInputs, 1) To UBound(TrainingInputs, 1)
  For j = LBound(TrainingInputs, 2) To UBound(TrainingInputs, 2)
   Cells(i, j + 10).Value = TrainingInputs(i, j)
  Next j
 Next i

End Function






08-05 01:20