
mysql> select * from survey;
| survey_id | client_id | stage_id | by_ref | no_branch |
|         2 |        65 |       72 | P      | 15        |
|         3 |        67 |       72 | D      | 2         |
2 rows in set (0.07 sec)

mysql> select * from allcode where code_type="MARKETING_STAGES";
| code_type        | code_id | srno | code_name          |
| MARKETING_STAGES |      72 |    1 | Enquiry            |
| MARKETING_STAGES |      73 |    3 | Meeting            |
| MARKETING_STAGES |      74 |    4 | Presentation       |
| MARKETING_STAGES |      75 |    5 | Review / Follow up |
| MARKETING_STAGES |      76 |    6 | Negotiation        |
| MARKETING_STAGES |      77 |    7 | Order              |
| MARKETING_STAGES |      78 |    8 | Agreement          |
| MARKETING_STAGES |     162 |    9 | Complete           |
| MARKETING_STAGES |     163 |    2 | Tender             |
9 rows in set (0.04 sec)

现在我有一个client_id表,即65 fromsurvey表,并希望将stage_id更新为163(即,基于srno排序的allcode表的下一个代码id)
update survey as s
set s.stage_id=
(select code_id from allcode
where code_id > (select stage_id from (select * from survey where client_id=65 )as su)
and code_type="MARKETING_STAGES"
limit 1)
where client_id=65;




update survey s
inner join allcode a1 on s.stage_id=a1.code_id
inner join allcode a2 on a1.srno=a2.srno-1
set s.stage_id=a2.code_id
where a1.code_type='MARKETING_STAGES' and a2.code_type='MARKETING_STAGES' and s.client_id=65

我假设srno字段增量为1,没有任何间隙。第一个联接的目的是获取当前阶段的srno。然后第二个连接获取下一个srno的stage\u id。

07-28 13:41