while ($info = mysql_fetch_array($dbResult)) {
$total+= $info['totalEvents'];
$total2 = 0;
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td><input type=checkbox name='check1' id='check1' value='" . $info['eventCategory'] . "' onclick=recal(" . $info['totalEvents'] . ",this.checked) checked></td>
<label id ='nameID'><td>" . $info['id'] . " " . $info['profileName'] . "</td>";
echo "<td><label id='eventCategory'>" . $info['eventCategory'] . "</td>";
echo "<td><label id='totalEvents'>" . $info['totalEvents'] . "</label></td>";
if ($info['Date'] != $previousDate) {
echo "<td><b>" . $info['Date'] . "</b></td></tr>";
} else {
echo "<td></td>";
$previousDate = $info['Date'];
else if ($_POST['group1'] == 'VideoFinish') {
$dbResult = mysql_query("SELECT la.id,st.profileName, la.totalEvents,la.Date,ft.eventCategory FROM videofinish la INNER JOIN profiles st ON st.id=la.id INNER JOIN eventcategory ft ON ft.id = la.eventCategoryID where Date BETWEEN '" . $startDate . "' and '" . $endDate . "'");
if (isset($_POST['checkPremium'])) {
$dbResult = mysql_query("SELECT la.id,st.profileName, la.totalEvents,la.Date,ft.eventCategory FROM videofinish la INNER JOIN profiles st ON st.id=la.id and st.isPremium=1 INNER JOIN eventcategory ft ON ft.id = la.eventCategoryID where Date BETWEEN '" . $startDate . "' and '" . $endDate . "'");
$previousDate = '';
$totalDay = 0;
while ($info = mysql_fetch_array($dbResult)) {
$total+= $info['totalEvents'];
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td><input type=checkbox name='check1' id='check1' value='" . $info['eventCategory'] . "' onclick=recal(" . $info['totalEvents'] . ",this.checked) checked></td>
<label id ='nameID'><td>" . $info['id'] . " " . $info['profileName'] . "</td>";
echo "<td><label id='eventCategory'>" . $info['eventCategory'] . "</td>";
echo "<td><label id='totalEvents'>" . $info['totalEvents'] . "</label></td>";
if ($info['Date'] != $previousDate && $info['Date'] != $previousDate) {
echo "<td><b>" . $info['Date'] . "</b></td></tr>";
echo "<b>".$info['Date']."</b>:";
echo $totalDay."<br />";
} else {
echo "<td></td>";
$previousDate = $info['Date'];
$totalDay += $info['totalEvents'];
echo "<td><b id='total'>" . $total . "</b></td>";
// initialize counter and previous date
$totalDay = 0;
$previousDate = NULL;
// we need to change the loop structure so that the loop code is executed
// a last time when there are no further rows. Otherwise, we would have
// no total on the last day!
while (true) {
// we break the loop when there are no further rows after sub total is printed
$info = mysql_fetch_array($dbResult);
// when date changes, print total line and reset counter
if ( $previousDate <> NULL &&
( !isset($info['Date']) || $info['Date'] <> $previousDate ) ) {
echo '<tr>';
// no checkbox
echo '<td></td>';
// label in second cell
echo '<td><b>Total for day ' . $previousDate .'</b></td>';
// total in last cell
echo '<td colspan="4" align="right"><b>' . $totalDay . '</b></td>';
echo '</tr>';
// day has changed, so reset the sub total for next day
$totalDay = 0;
// now if the have no further rows, break the loop
if ($info == false)
// add current value to sub total
$totalDay += $info['totalEvents'];
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td><input type=checkbox name='check1' id='check1' value='" . $info['eventCategory'] . "'
onclick=recal(" . $info['totalEvents'] . ",this.checked) checked></td>";
echo "<label id ='nameID'><td>" . $info['id'] . " " . $info['profileName'] . "</td>";
echo "<td><label id='eventCategory'>" . $info['eventCategory'] . "</td>";
echo "<td><label id='totalEvents'>" . $info['totalEvents'] . "</label></td>";
echo "<td>";
// when date changes (also on first day), print date
if ($info['Date'] <> $previousDate) {
echo "<b>" . $info['Date'] . "</b>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
// remember current date for next row calculation
$previousDate = $info['Date'];
关于php - 按日期分类的小计,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9408628/