

0: {answer: "yes", question: "Is the keyboard set to a suitable height", state: "Accepted", email: "[email protected]", questionId: 30, …}
1: {answer: "yes", question: "Is it possible to find a comfortable typing postion?", state: "Accepted", email: "[email protected]", questionId: 31, …}
2: {answer: "yes", question: "Do you have a good keyboard technique?", state: "Accepted", email: "[email protected]", questionId: 32, …}
3: {answer: "yes", question: "Are the characters on the keyboard clear and readable?", state: "Accepted", email: "[email protected]", questionId: 33, …}
4: {answer: "yes", question: "Is your mouse or other pointing device suitable to the task you're using it for?", state: "Accepted", email: "[email protected]", questionId: 34, …}
5: {answer: "yes", question: "Is the mouse (or other pointing device) located sufficently close to you?  ", state: "Accepted", email: "[email protected]", questionId: 35, …}
6: {answer: "yes", question: "Is there support for your wrist and forearm when using the mouse(or other pointing device)", state: "Accepted", email: "[email protected]", questionId: 36, …}
7: {answer: "yes", question: "Does the mouse (or other pointing device) work smoothly at a speed that suits you?", state: "Accepted", email: "[email protected]", questionId: 37, …}
8: {answer: "yes", question: "Can you easily adjust the software settings for speed and accuracy of the pointer?", state: "Accepted", email: "[email protected]", questionId: 38, …}
9: {answer: "yes", question: "Are the characters on your screen clear and readable?", state: "Accepted", email: "[email protected]", questionId: 39, …}
10: {answer: "yes", question: "Is the text size on your screen confortable to read?", state: "Accepted", email: "[email protected]", questionId: 40, …}
11: {answer: "yes", question: "Is the image on your screen free from flicker and jitter?", state: "Accepted", email: "[email protected]", questionId: 41, …}
12: {answer: "yes", question: "Is your screen's specification suitable for its intended use?", state: "Accepted", email: "[email protected]", questionId: 42, …}
13: {answer: "yes", question: "Is the brightness and/or contrast on your screen adjustable?", state: "Accepted", email: "[email protected]", questionId: 43, …}
length: 14

展开后,每个对象看起来都像根据响应而变化。 (忽略state属性,它将被删除。)

answer: "yes"
question: "Is the keyboard set to a suitable height"
state: "Accepted"
email: "[email protected]"
questionId: 30
workStation: "skrt"
accepted: "0"
date: "2020-2-20 17:11:3.616 "



submitAnswers() {
    let completeToken = "";
    if (questionCounter == this.state.questions.length) {
      var today = new Date(),
        date = `${today.getUTCFullYear()}-${today.getUTCMonth() +
          1}-${today.getUTCDate()} ${today.getHours()}:${today.getMinutes()}:${today.getSeconds()}.${today.getMilliseconds()} `;

      if (results.find(q => q.Accepted == 1)) {
        completeToken = "Not Complete";

      const data = {

      fetch("/post-question-answers/", {
        method: "POST", // or 'PUT'
        headers: {
          Accept: "application/json,",
          "Content-Type": "application/json"
        body: JSON.stringify(data)
      }).then(response => {
        console.log("response before it is broken down " + response);

        return response.json();

      // window.location.href = "http://localhost:3000/completed-assessment";
    } else {
      alert("Please enter all of The questions");


if (results.find(q => q.accepted == 1)) {
        completeToken = "Complete";

它正在这些对象中搜索.accepted = 1,这意味着它是一个被接受的问题。但是,我的console.log只是不显示任何内容。



看起来像一个错字q.Accepted(大写A),在对象描述中被称为“ accepted”,因此undefined == 1始终为false,在控制台日志中,completeToken值为“”(空字符串),因此没有结果可见。

07-28 11:22