我需要一个功能didReceiveWriteRequests的示例实现,当中央iOS设备执行“writeValue:”向其写入数据时,该函数将在Bluetooth iOS外设上运行。
但是我已经搜索过网络,无法找到示例。 Apple文档仍然没有示例代码。
// Processes write command received from a central.
- (void)peripheralManager:(CBPeripheralManager *)peripheral didReceiveWriteRequests:(NSArray *)requests
CBATTRequest* request = [requests objectAtIndex: 0];
NSData* request_data = request.value;
CBCharacteristic* write_char = request.characteristic;
//CBCentral* write_central = request.central;
//NSUInteger multi_message_offset = request.offset;
// Face commands this PWR RX to advertise serno UUID?
int total_write_requests = 0;
if([ write_char.UUID isEqual: [CBUUID UUIDWithString: YOUR_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID]] )
// Read desired new_state data from central:
unsigned char* new_state = (unsigned char*)[request_data bytes];
my_new_state = new_state[0];
NSLog(@" - advertise serno UUID: %s", my_new_state ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" );
// Select UUID that includes serno of PWR RX, for advertisements:
if( total_write_requests )
[peripheral respondToRequest:request withResult:CBATTErrorSuccess]; // result = success
NSLog(@"_no_write_request_FAULT !!");