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// this could be more elegant
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var data = [{
"name": "AMC Ambassador Brougham",
"economy (mpg)": 13,
"cylinders": 8,
"displacement (cc)": 360,
"power (hp)": 175,
"weight (lb)": 3821,
"0-60 mph (s)": 11,
"year": 73
"name": "AMC Ambassador DPL",
"economy (mpg)": 15,
"cylinders": 8,
"displacement (cc)": 390,
"power (hp)": 190,
"weight (lb)": 3850,
"0-60 mph (s)": 8.5,
"year": 70
"name": "AMC Ambassador SST",
"economy (mpg)": 17,
"cylinders": 8,
"displacement (cc)": 304,
"power (hp)": 150,
"weight (lb)": 3672,
"0-60 mph (s)": 11.5,
"year": 72
"name": "AMC Concord DL 6",
"economy (mpg)": 20.2,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 232,
"power (hp)": 90,
"weight (lb)": 3265,
"0-60 mph (s)": 18.2,
"year": 79
"name": "AMC Concord DL",
"economy (mpg)": 18.1,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 258,
"power (hp)": 120,
"weight (lb)": 3410,
"0-60 mph (s)": 15.1,
"year": 78
"name": "AMC Concord DL",
"economy (mpg)": 23,
"cylinders": 4,
"displacement (cc)": 151,
"power (hp)": "",
"weight (lb)": 3035,
"0-60 mph (s)": 20.5,
"year": 82
"name": "AMC Concord",
"economy (mpg)": 19.4,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 232,
"power (hp)": 90,
"weight (lb)": 3210,
"0-60 mph (s)": 17.2,
"year": 78
"name": "AMC Concord",
"economy (mpg)": 24.3,
"cylinders": 4,
"displacement (cc)": 151,
"power (hp)": 90,
"weight (lb)": 3003,
"0-60 mph (s)": 20.1,
"year": 80
"name": "AMC Gremlin",
"economy (mpg)": 18,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 232,
"power (hp)": 100,
"weight (lb)": 2789,
"0-60 mph (s)": 15,
"year": 73
"name": "AMC Gremlin",
"economy (mpg)": 19,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 232,
"power (hp)": 100,
"weight (lb)": 2634,
"0-60 mph (s)": 13,
"year": 71
"name": "AMC Gremlin",
"economy (mpg)": 20,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 232,
"power (hp)": 100,
"weight (lb)": 2914,
"0-60 mph (s)": 16,
"year": 75
"name": "AMC Gremlin",
"economy (mpg)": 21,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 199,
"power (hp)": 90,
"weight (lb)": 2648,
"0-60 mph (s)": 15,
"year": 70
"name": "AMC Hornet Sportabout (Wagon)",
"economy (mpg)": 18,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 258,
"power (hp)": 110,
"weight (lb)": 2962,
"0-60 mph (s)": 13.5,
"year": 71
"name": "AMC Hornet",
"economy (mpg)": 18,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 199,
"power (hp)": 97,
"weight (lb)": 2774,
"0-60 mph (s)": 15.5,
"year": 70
"name": "AMC Hornet",
"economy (mpg)": 18,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 232,
"power (hp)": 100,
"weight (lb)": 2945,
"0-60 mph (s)": 16,
"year": 73
"name": "AMC Hornet",
"economy (mpg)": 19,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 232,
"power (hp)": 100,
"weight (lb)": 2901,
"0-60 mph (s)": 16,
"year": 74
"name": "AMC Hornet",
"economy (mpg)": 22.5,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 232,
"power (hp)": 90,
"weight (lb)": 3085,
"0-60 mph (s)": 17.6,
"year": 76
"name": "AMC Matador (Wagon)",
"economy (mpg)": 14,
"cylinders": 8,
"displacement (cc)": 304,
"power (hp)": 150,
"weight (lb)": 4257,
"0-60 mph (s)": 15.5,
"year": 74
"name": "AMC Matador (Wagon)",
"economy (mpg)": 15,
"cylinders": 8,
"displacement (cc)": 304,
"power (hp)": 150,
"weight (lb)": 3892,
"0-60 mph (s)": 12.5,
"year": 72
"name": "AMC Matador",
"economy (mpg)": 14,
"cylinders": 8,
"displacement (cc)": 304,
"power (hp)": 150,
"weight (lb)": 3672,
"0-60 mph (s)": 11.5,
"year": 73
"name": "AMC Matador",
"economy (mpg)": 15,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 258,
"power (hp)": 110,
"weight (lb)": 3730,
"0-60 mph (s)": 19,
"year": 75
"name": "AMC Matador",
"economy (mpg)": 15.5,
"cylinders": 8,
"displacement (cc)": 304,
"power (hp)": 120,
"weight (lb)": 3962,
"0-60 mph (s)": 13.9,
"year": 76
"name": "AMC Matador",
"economy (mpg)": 16,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 258,
"power (hp)": 110,
"weight (lb)": 3632,
"0-60 mph (s)": 18,
"year": 74
"name": "AMC Matador",
"economy (mpg)": 18,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 232,
"power (hp)": 100,
"weight (lb)": 3288,
"0-60 mph (s)": 15.5,
"year": 71
"name": "AMC Pacer D/L",
"economy (mpg)": 17.5,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 258,
"power (hp)": 95,
"weight (lb)": 3193,
"0-60 mph (s)": 17.8,
"year": 76
"name": "AMC Pacer",
"economy (mpg)": 19,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 232,
"power (hp)": 90,
"weight (lb)": 3211,
"0-60 mph (s)": 17,
"year": 75
"name": "AMC Rebel SST (Wagon)",
"economy (mpg)": "",
"cylinders": 8,
"displacement (cc)": 360,
"power (hp)": 175,
"weight (lb)": 3850,
"0-60 mph (s)": 11,
"year": 70
"name": "AMC Rebel SST",
"economy (mpg)": 16,
"cylinders": 8,
"displacement (cc)": 304,
"power (hp)": 150,
"weight (lb)": 3433,
"0-60 mph (s)": 12,
"year": 70
"name": "AMC Spirit DL",
"economy (mpg)": 27.4,
"cylinders": 4,
"displacement (cc)": 121,
"power (hp)": 80,
"weight (lb)": 2670,
"0-60 mph (s)": 15,
"year": 79
"name": "Audi 100 LS",
"economy (mpg)": 20,
"cylinders": 4,
"displacement (cc)": 114,
"power (hp)": 91,
"weight (lb)": 2582,
"0-60 mph (s)": 14,
"year": 73
"name": "Audi 100 LS",
"economy (mpg)": 23,
"cylinders": 4,
"displacement (cc)": 115,
"power (hp)": 95,
"weight (lb)": 2694,
"0-60 mph (s)": 15,
"year": 75
"name": "Audi 100 LS",
"economy (mpg)": 24,
"cylinders": 4,
"displacement (cc)": 107,
"power (hp)": 90,
"weight (lb)": 2430,
"0-60 mph (s)": 14.5,
"year": 70
"name": "Audi 4000",
"economy (mpg)": 34.3,
"cylinders": 4,
"displacement (cc)": 97,
"power (hp)": 78,
"weight (lb)": 2188,
"0-60 mph (s)": 15.8,
"year": 80
"name": "Audi 5000",
"economy (mpg)": 20.3,
"cylinders": 5,
"displacement (cc)": 131,
"power (hp)": 103,
"weight (lb)": 2830,
"0-60 mph (s)": 15.9,
"year": 78
"name": "Audi 5000S (Diesel)",
"economy (mpg)": 36.4,
"cylinders": 5,
"displacement (cc)": 121,
"power (hp)": 67,
"weight (lb)": 2950,
"0-60 mph (s)": 19.9,
"year": 80
"name": "Audi Fox",
"economy (mpg)": 29,
"cylinders": 4,
"displacement (cc)": 98,
"power (hp)": 83,
"weight (lb)": 2219,
"0-60 mph (s)": 16.5,
"year": 74
"name": "BMW 2002",
"economy (mpg)": 26,
"cylinders": 4,
"displacement (cc)": 121,
"power (hp)": 113,
"weight (lb)": 2234,
"0-60 mph (s)": 12.5,
"year": 70
"name": "BMW 320i",
"economy (mpg)": 21.5,
"cylinders": 4,
"displacement (cc)": 121,
"power (hp)": 110,
"weight (lb)": 2600,
"0-60 mph (s)": 12.8,
"year": 77
"name": "Buick Century 350",
"economy (mpg)": 13,
"cylinders": 8,
"displacement (cc)": 350,
"power (hp)": 175,
"weight (lb)": 4100,
"0-60 mph (s)": 13,
"year": 73
"name": "Buick Century Limited",
"economy (mpg)": 25,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 181,
"power (hp)": 110,
"weight (lb)": 2945,
"0-60 mph (s)": 16.4,
"year": 82
"name": "Buick Century Luxus (Wagon)",
"economy (mpg)": 13,
"cylinders": 8,
"displacement (cc)": 350,
"power (hp)": 150,
"weight (lb)": 4699,
"0-60 mph (s)": 14.5,
"year": 74
"name": "Buick Century Special",
"economy (mpg)": 20.6,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 231,
"power (hp)": 105,
"weight (lb)": 3380,
"0-60 mph (s)": 15.8,
"year": 78
"name": "Buick Century",
"economy (mpg)": 17,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 231,
"power (hp)": 110,
"weight (lb)": 3907,
"0-60 mph (s)": 21,
"year": 75
"name": "Buick Century",
"economy (mpg)": 22.4,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 231,
"power (hp)": 110,
"weight (lb)": 3415,
"0-60 mph (s)": 15.8,
"year": 81
"name": "Buick Electra 225 Custom",
"economy (mpg)": 12,
"cylinders": 8,
"displacement (cc)": 455,
"power (hp)": 225,
"weight (lb)": 4951,
"0-60 mph (s)": 11,
"year": 73
"name": "Buick Estate Wagon (Wagon)",
"economy (mpg)": 14,
"cylinders": 8,
"displacement (cc)": 455,
"power (hp)": 225,
"weight (lb)": 3086,
"0-60 mph (s)": 10,
"year": 70
"name": "Buick Estate Wagon (Wagon)",
"economy (mpg)": 16.9,
"cylinders": 8,
"displacement (cc)": 350,
"power (hp)": 155,
"weight (lb)": 4360,
"0-60 mph (s)": 14.9,
"year": 79
"name": "Buick Lesabre Custom",
"economy (mpg)": 13,
"cylinders": 8,
"displacement (cc)": 350,
"power (hp)": 155,
"weight (lb)": 4502,
"0-60 mph (s)": 13.5,
"year": 72
"name": "Buick Opel Isuzu Deluxe",
"economy (mpg)": 30,
"cylinders": 4,
"displacement (cc)": 111,
"power (hp)": 80,
"weight (lb)": 2155,
"0-60 mph (s)": 14.8,
"year": 77
"name": "Buick Regal Sport Coupe (Turbo)",
"economy (mpg)": 17.7,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 231,
"power (hp)": 165,
"weight (lb)": 3445,
"0-60 mph (s)": 13.4,
"year": 78
"name": "Buick Skyhawk",
"economy (mpg)": 21,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 231,
"power (hp)": 110,
"weight (lb)": 3039,
"0-60 mph (s)": 15,
"year": 75
"name": "Buick Skylark 320",
"economy (mpg)": 15,
"cylinders": 8,
"displacement (cc)": 350,
"power (hp)": 165,
"weight (lb)": 3693,
"0-60 mph (s)": 11.5,
"year": 70
"name": "Buick Skylark Limited",
"economy (mpg)": 28.4,
"cylinders": 4,
"displacement (cc)": 151,
"power (hp)": 90,
"weight (lb)": 2670,
"0-60 mph (s)": 16,
"year": 79
"name": "Buick Skylark",
"economy (mpg)": 20.5,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 231,
"power (hp)": 105,
"weight (lb)": 3425,
"0-60 mph (s)": 16.9,
"year": 77
"name": "Buick Skylark",
"economy (mpg)": 26.6,
"cylinders": 4,
"displacement (cc)": 151,
"power (hp)": 84,
"weight (lb)": 2635,
"0-60 mph (s)": 16.4,
"year": 81
"name": "Cadillac Eldorado",
"economy (mpg)": 23,
"cylinders": 8,
"displacement (cc)": 350,
"power (hp)": 125,
"weight (lb)": 3900,
"0-60 mph (s)": 17.4,
"year": 79
"name": "Cadillac Seville",
"economy (mpg)": 16.5,
"cylinders": 8,
"displacement (cc)": 350,
"power (hp)": 180,
"weight (lb)": 4380,
"0-60 mph (s)": 12.1,
"year": 76
"name": "Chevroelt Chevelle Malibu",
"economy (mpg)": 16,
"cylinders": 6,
"displacement (cc)": 250,
"power (hp)": 105,
"weight (lb)": 3897,
"0-60 mph (s)": 18.5,
"year": 75
"name": "Chevrolet Bel Air",
"economy (mpg)": 15,
"cylinders": 8,
"displacement (cc)": 350,
"power (hp)": 145,
"weight (lb)": 4440,
"0-60 mph (s)": 14,
"year": 75
"name": "Chevrolet Camaro",
"economy (mpg)": 27,
"cylinders": 4,
"displacement (cc)": 151,
"power (hp)": 90,
"weight (lb)": 2950,
"0-60 mph (s)": 17.3,
"year": 82
"name": "Chevrolet Caprice Classic",
"economy (mpg)": 13,
"cylinders": 8,
"displacement (cc)": 400,
"power (hp)": 150,
"weight (lb)": 4464,
"0-60 mph (s)": 12,
"year": 73
"name": "Chevrolet Caprice Classic",
"economy (mpg)": 17,
"cylinders": 8,
"displacement (cc)": 305,
"power (hp)": 130,
"weight (lb)": 3840,
"0-60 mph (s)": 15.4,
"year": 79
"name": "Chevrolet Caprice Classic",
"economy (mpg)": 17.5,
"cylinders": 8,
"displacement (cc)": 305,
"power (hp)": 145,
"weight (lb)": 3880,
"0-60 mph (s)": 12.5,
"year": 77
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scale: d3.scale.linear().range([height, 0]),
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scale: d3.scale.linear().range([height, 0]),
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scale: d3.scale.linear().range([height, 0]),
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scale: d3.scale.linear().range([height, 0]),
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// this could be more elegant
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return p.name === d;
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return [x(dimension.name), dimension.scale(d[dimension.name])];
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fill: none;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 20px;
pointer-events: stroke;
.foreground path {
fill: none;
stroke: steelblue;
stroke-width: 1.5px;
.axis .title {
font-size: 11px;
font-weight: bold;
text-transform: uppercase;
.axis line,
.axis path {
fill: none;
stroke: #000;
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
.axis.string {
font-size: 6px;
.label {
-webkit-transition: fill 125ms linear;
.active .label:not(.inactive) {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 11px;
.label.inactive {
fill: #ccc;
.foreground path.inactive {
stroke: #ccc;
stroke-opacity: .5;
stroke-width: 1px;
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