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[-此代码的灵感来自@ http://accord-framework.net/docs/html/T_Accord_MachineLearning_DecisionTrees_Learning_ID3Learning.htm]提供的示例
[-前提:您需要安装Accord.Net软件包:Install-Package Accord.MachineLearning
using Accord.MachineLearning.DecisionTrees;
using Accord.MachineLearning.DecisionTrees.Learning;
using Accord.Math.Optimization.Losses;
using System;
using System.Data;
using Accord.Statistics.Filters;
using System.Linq;
using Accord.Math;
namespace DecisionTreeExamples
public class QandADecisionTree{
public static void QandADecisionTreeExample()
// Step1: Since there was no sample provided in this question, we first construct our data
DataTable data = new DataTable("QandA");
// Step2: Adding questions. Each question is a column in the data table.
PopulateQuestions(data); /*Note that the last column/question is the prediction column. */
// Step3: Adding the history of 6 patients and the corresponding diagnosis (This is also our training data)
//Step4: Next we need to convert our data table to its numerical representation, which is what ID3 algorithm expects as input.
Codification codification = new Codification(data);
DataTable codifiedData = codification.Apply(data);
//Note: specify all the columns except the last column, which is the value that the decision tree should predict,
int[][] input = codifiedData.ToJagged<int>("Are you above 50 years old?",
"What is your gender?",
"Do you have headache?",
"Has your blood pressure gone above 12 in the last 30 days?",
"Do you have a running nose?",
"Do you have a soat throat?",
"Do you have fever?");
int[] predictions = codifiedData.ToArray<int>("Diagnosed Disease");
// Step4: produce Decision tree.
ID3Learning decisionTreeLearningAlgorithm = new ID3Learning { };
DecisionTree decisionTree = decisionTreeLearningAlgorithm.Learn(input, predictions);
// Step5: Use the produced decision tree on a test data
int[] query = codification.Transform(new[,]{ {"Are you above 50 years old?","no" },
{ "What is your gender?","male" },
{ "Do you have headache?" ,"yes"},
{ "Has your blood pressure gone above 12 in the last 30 days?","no" },
{ "Do you have a running nose?","yes" },
{ "Do you have a soat throat?" ,"yes"},
{ "Do you have fever?" ,"yes"} });
int result = decisionTree.Decide(query);
string diagnosis = codification.Revert("Diagnosed Disease", result);
Console.WriteLine($"Diagnosed disease: {diagnosis}"); // Prints Common Cold
/// <summary>
/// Populates data table with questions, that in this example each question happens to be a column.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Specifies the data base in this example which is a collection of questions and answers.</param>
private static void PopulateQuestions(DataTable data)
data.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Are you above 50 years old?", typeof(string))); //Q1
data.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("What is your gender?", typeof(string))); //Q2
data.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Do you have headache?", typeof(string))); //Q3
data.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Has your blood pressure gone above 12 in the last 30 days?", typeof(string))); //Q4
data.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Do you have a running nose?", typeof(string))); //Q5
data.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Do you have a soat throat?", typeof(string))); //Q6
data.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Do you have fever?", typeof(string))); //Q7
data.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Diagnosed Disease", typeof(string))); // Prediction Column
/// <summary>
/// Populates data table with rows, that in this example each row happens to represent a patient, and each column, except the last one is a question. The value of a column in a row means the reponse patient provided to that question.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Specifies the data base in this example which is a collection of questions and answers.</param>
private static void PopulateAnswers(DataTable data)
var patient1 = data.NewRow();
patient1["Are you above 50 years old?"] = "no";
patient1["What is your gender?"] = "male";
patient1["Do you have headache?"] = "yes";
patient1["Has your blood pressure gone above 12 in the last 30 days?"] = "no";
patient1["Do you have a running nose?"] = "yes";
patient1["Do you have a soat throat?"] = "yes";
patient1["Do you have fever?"] = "yes";
patient1["Diagnosed Disease"] = "Common Cold";
var patient2 = data.NewRow();
patient2["Are you above 50 years old?"] = "yes";
patient2["What is your gender?"] = "female";
patient2["Do you have headache?"] = "yes";
patient2["Has your blood pressure gone above 12 in the last 30 days?"] = "yes";
patient2["Do you have a running nose?"] = "no";
patient2["Do you have a soat throat?"] = "no";
patient2["Do you have fever?"] = "no";
patient2["Diagnosed Disease"] = "High Blood Pressure";
var patient3 = data.NewRow();
patient3["Are you above 50 years old?"] = "yes";
patient3["What is your gender?"] = "male";
patient3["Do you have headache?"] = "yes";
patient3["Has your blood pressure gone above 12 in the last 30 days?"] = "yes";
patient3["Do you have a running nose?"] = "no";
patient3["Do you have a soat throat?"] = "no";
patient3["Do you have fever?"] = "no";
patient3["Diagnosed Disease"] = "High Blood Pressure";
var patient4 = data.NewRow();
patient4["Are you above 50 years old?"] = "no";
patient4["What is your gender?"] = "female";
patient4["Do you have headache?"] = "yes";
patient4["Has your blood pressure gone above 12 in the last 30 days?"] = "no";
patient4["Do you have a running nose?"] = "yes";
patient4["Do you have a soat throat?"] = "yes";
patient4["Do you have fever?"] = "yes";
patient4["Diagnosed Disease"] = "Common Cold";
var patient5 = data.NewRow();
patient5["Are you above 50 years old?"] = "yes";
patient5["What is your gender?"] = "female";
patient5["Do you have headache?"] = "yes";
patient5["Has your blood pressure gone above 12 in the last 30 days?"] = "no";
patient5["Do you have a running nose?"] = "yes";
patient5["Do you have a soat throat?"] = "yes";
patient5["Do you have fever?"] = "yes";
patient5["Diagnosed Disease"] = "Common Cold";
var patient6 = data.NewRow();
patient6["Are you above 50 years old?"] = "yes";
patient6["What is your gender?"] = "female";
patient6["Do you have headache?"] = "no";
patient6["Has your blood pressure gone above 12 in the last 30 days?"] = "yes";
patient6["Do you have a running nose?"] = "no";
patient6["Do you have a soat throat?"] = "no";
patient6["Do you have fever?"] = "no";
patient6["Diagnosed Disease"] = "High Blood Pressure";
关于c# - 使用Accord.Net框架的决策树,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47082295/