我在尝试将要素类复制到地理数据库中时遇到问题。我遍历了文件夹中的所有要素类,并且仅复制了多边形要素类。我的问题是,当我复制第一个面要素类时,它将重命名为“ shp”,然后也尝试命名第二个“ shp”。变量fcname返回复制功能之外的完整要素类名称(“ counties.shp”和“ new_mexico.shp”),但在功能内部无法正常工作。

下面的代码注释了要运行的功能,以测试fcname变量。文件夹中有五个要素类,其中两个是面要素类。取消注释时,代码将一直贯穿第一个面要素类,其中fcname会生成“ shp”而不是“ counties.shp”。由于第二个要素类的功能相同,因此会导致错误,因为gdb中已经存在“ shp”。

import arcpy

# Set initial variables with different pathnames available
# whether I am working on my home or work computer

pathhome = "G:/ESRIScriptArcGIS/Python/Data/Exercise06"
pathwork = "C:/ESRIPress/Python/Data/Exercise06"
arcpy.env.workspace = pathwork
gdbname ="NewDatabase.gdb"

fclist = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()

# Create new gdb
##arcpy.management.CreateFileGDB(path, gdbname)
newgdb = path + "/" + gdbname

# Loop through list
for fc in fclist:
    desc = arcpy.Describe(fc)
    fcname = desc.name
    outpath = newgdb + "/" + fcname

    # Check for polygon then copy
    if desc.shapeType == "Polygon":
        ##print fcname + "copied."
        print fcname
        print "Not a polygon feature class"



我找到了问题的答案。 CopyFeatures不需要out_feature_class参数中的完整文件路径。我从文件路径的末尾删除了“ .shp”,它可以正常工作。



import arcpy

# Set initial variables with different pathnames available
# whether I am working on my home or work computer

pathhome = "G:/ESRIScriptArcGIS/Python/Data/Exercise06"
pathwork = "C:/ESRIPress/Python/Data/Exercise06"
arcpy.env.workspace = pathwork
gdbname ="NewDatabase.gdb"

fclist = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("", "Polygon")

# Create new gdb
arcpy.management.CreateFileGDB(pathwork, gdbname)
newgdb = pathwork + "/" + gdbname

# Loop through list
for fc in fclist:
    desc = arcpy.Describe(fc)
    fcname = str(desc.name)
    outpath = newgdb + "/" + fcname.replace(".shp","")

    print fcname + " has been copied."

09-11 18:03