我正在尝试使用我自己的数据集复制 Google Rhythm of Food 上漂亮的可视化效果,该数据集显示了我的公司每周雇佣了多少人。数据集(名为hiresbyweek)如下所示(这是 81 行中的 25 行, link to full dataset here )

            Week Year total.Hires     Month WeekNum
  2014-05-05 0:00:00 2014           1       May      18
  2014-05-12 0:00:00 2014           1       May      19
  2014-05-19 0:00:00 2014           1       May      20
  2014-05-26 0:00:00 2014           1       May      21
  2014-08-04 0:00:00 2014           1    August      31
  2014-09-08 0:00:00 2014           1 September      36
  2015-02-23 0:00:00 2015           3  February      08
  2015-03-23 0:00:00 2015           4     March      12
  2015-05-04 0:00:00 2015           1       May      18
  2015-06-01 0:00:00 2015           1      June      22
  2015-06-08 0:00:00 2015           1      June      23
  2015-09-14 0:00:00 2015           3 September      37
  2015-09-21 0:00:00 2015           4 September      38
  2015-09-28 0:00:00 2015          15 September      39
  2015-10-05 0:00:00 2015          20   October      40
  2015-10-12 0:00:00 2015          47   October      41
  2015-10-19 0:00:00 2015          40   October      42
  2015-10-26 0:00:00 2015          39   October      43
  2015-11-02 0:00:00 2015           5  November      44
  2015-11-09 0:00:00 2015           2  November      45
  2015-11-16 0:00:00 2015           7  November      46
  2015-11-23 0:00:00 2015           1  November      47
  2015-11-30 0:00:00 2015           7  November      48
  2015-12-07 0:00:00 2015           3  December      49
  2015-12-14 0:00:00 2015           7  December      50

ggplot(hiresbyweek,aes( x=WeekNum, y=total.Hires,fill=as.factor(Year)))
+geom_histogram(stat="identity", aes( x=WeekNum, y=total.Hires,fill=as.factor(Year)))
+scale_x_discrete(labels = as.factor(hiresbyweek$Month))
       , axis.ticks = element_blank()
       , panel.grid = element_blank()
       , panel.background = element_blank()


r - 使用 ggplot2 复制食物可视化的节奏-LMLPHP


1) 这些标签离它们应该在的地方不远:
请注意 10 月份的人数最多,但根据图表,它们主要出现在 4 月或 3 月。



2)我想大大减少所述条的相对大小;我已经将其作为计数(geom_historgram(stat="count") 或 stat="bin") 完成,但这使它们全部相等并消除了规模的重要性,这是这里的关键。

3)我想在条形之间插入一些空格。我试过在 ggplot(hiresbyweek,aes( x=WeekNum, y=total.Hires,colour="white",fill=as.factor(Year))) 和 geom_histogram(stat ="identity", aes( x=WeekNum, y=total.Hires,fill=as.factor(Year), color="white")) 两个奇怪的都有一个粉红色的轮廓......




# 1. We can control the order of geom_bars based on the levels of the factor of X.
# So we make a new factor variable and ensure that the levels are in the order of
# < January1, January2, ..., February2, ..., December3, December4 >
hiresbyweek <- hiresbyweek[order(hiresbyweek$WeekNum),]
hiresbyweek$X <- factor(paste0(hiresbyweek$WeekNum, hiresbyweek$Month),
                    levels = unique(paste0(hiresbyweek$WeekNum, hiresbyweek$Month)))

# 2. But we don't want the axis labels to be: "Jan1, Jan2, Jan3, ..."
# Instead we'll extract only the month out of the X variable (though notice the weekNum
# variable was important so we could get the right order and distinct factor levels)
# But we also don't want repeated axis labels: "Jan, "Jan", "Jan", "Feb", "Feb", ....
# So try to place the unique axis label close to the middle, and leave the rest blank
# (ie. "", "Jan", "", "", "Feb")
makeLabels <- function(x) {
  x <- gsub("[0-9]", "", x)
  labs <- c();
  for (a in unique(x)) {
    b <- rep("", length(x[x == a]))
    b[ ceiling(length(x[x==a])/2) ] <- a
    labs <- append(labs, b)

# 3. Angle the axis labels to imitate Google's Rhythm of Food
ang <- -360 / length(unique(hiresbyweek$X)) * seq_along(hiresbyweek$X)
ang[ang <= -90 & ang >= -300] <- ang[ang <= -90 & ang >= -300] -180

ggplot(hiresbyweek, aes( x = X, y = total.Hires,fill = as.factor(Year))) +
  geom_histogram(stat="identity", width = 0.5) + # Use width arg for more space between bars
  coord_polar() +
  scale_x_discrete(labels = makeLabels) + # Apply getLabel function to X
  scale_y_discrete(expand=c(0.5,0)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("#ACD9F4","#005DA6","#EC008C")) +
  theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(),
    panel.grid = element_blank(),
    panel.background = element_blank(),
    text = element_text(family="Avenir"),
    title = element_blank(), # Remove all titles
    axis.text.x = element_text(angle= ang)) # Apply angles to x-axis labels

r - 使用 ggplot2 复制食物可视化的节奏-LMLPHP

关于r - 使用 ggplot2 复制食物可视化的节奏,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42075261/

10-12 00:37