我正在尝试学习如何使用这个示例 XML 文件从 Python 执行 XPath 查询:http://pastie.org/1333021 我刚刚向它添加了一个命名空间,因为我的实际应用程序使用它。


所以这是我的代码,首先找到所有 <food> 节点,然后迭代每个节点的描述。


import libxml2

doc = libxml2.parseFile("simple.xml")
context = doc.xpathNewContext()

context.xpathRegisterNs("db", "http://examplenamespace.com")
res = context.xpathEval("//db:food")

for node in res:
    # Query xmlNode here
    print "Got Food Node:"
    desc = node.xpathEval('db:description') # this is wrong?
    print desc

所以它本质上是一个命名空间问题,如果我从 XML 文件中删除 xlns 属性并只使用基本的 XPATH 查询而不使用 db: 它工作正常。顶部查询 //db:food 工作正常,但第二个查询失败。




我通常不使用 libxml2,我更喜欢 lxml.etree。

玩了一圈。您节点上的 xpathEval 方法每次都会创建一个新上下文,显然没有您注册的命名空间。


>>> import libxml2
>>> from urllib2 import urlopen
>>> data = urlopen('http://pastie.org/pastes/1333021/download').read()
>>> doc = libxml2.parseMemory(data,len(data))
>>> context = doc.xpathNewContext()
>>> context.xpathRegisterNs("db", "http://examplenamespace.com")
>>> for res in context.xpathEval("//db:food"):
...     context.setContextNode(res)
...     print "Got Food Node:"
...     desc = context.xpathEval('./db:description')[0]
...     print desc
Got Food Node:
<description>two of our famous Belgian Waffles with plenty of real maple syrup</description>
Got Food Node:
<description>light Belgian waffles covered with strawberries and whipped cream</description>
Got Food Node:
<description>light Belgian waffles covered with an assortment of fresh berries and whipped cream</description>
Got Food Node:
<description>thick slices made from our homemade sourdough bread</description>
Got Food Node:
<description>two eggs, bacon or sausage, toast, and our ever-popular hash browns</description>

关于Python libxml2 XPath/命名空间帮助,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4306856/

10-13 08:51