
select tnum,user from resp order by tnum, user
select test.tnum,cursa.user from cursa inner join test on test.curso = cursa.curso;


select tnum,user from resp order by tnum, user;=
tnum    user
1       1
1       7
1       8
1       10
2       7

select test.tnum,cursa.user from cursa inner join test on test.curso = cursa.curso;=
tnum    user
1       1
1       7
1       8
1       10
2       1
2       8
3       1
3       7
3       8
3       10
4       1
4       7
4       8
4       10

  我需要返回tnum 2和用户7。


这通常可以使用not exists解决:

select r.tnum, r.user
from resp r
where not exists (select 1
                  from cursa c inner join
                       test t
                       on t.curso = c.curso
                  where t.tnum = r.tnum and c.user = r.user



where (t.tnum = r.tnum or (t.tnum is null and r.tnum is null) ) and
      (c.user = r.user or (c.user is null and r.user is null) )

10-08 19:26