


您需要处理Expose事件。 This tutorial举例说明如何处理Expose事件:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/Xos.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>
/*Linux users will need to add -ldl to the Makefile to compile
 *this example.
Display *dis;
Window win;
XEvent report;
GC green_gc;
XColor green_col;
Colormap colormap;
Try changing the green[] = below to a different color.
The color can also be from /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt, such as RoyalBlue4.
A # (number sign) is only needed when using hexadecimal colors.
char green[] = "#00FF00";

int main() {
    dis = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
    win = XCreateSimpleWindow(dis, RootWindow(dis, 0), 1, 1, 500, 500, 0, BlackPixel (dis, 0), BlackPixel(dis, 0));
    XMapWindow(dis, win);
    colormap = DefaultColormap(dis, 0);
    green_gc = XCreateGC(dis, win, 0, 0);
    XParseColor(dis, colormap, green, &green_col);
    XAllocColor(dis, colormap, &green_col);
    XSetForeground(dis, green_gc, green_col.pixel);

    XSelectInput(dis, win, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask);

    XDrawRectangle(dis, win, green_gc, 1, 1, 497, 497);
    XDrawRectangle(dis, win, green_gc, 50, 50, 398, 398);

    while (1)  {
    XNextEvent(dis, &report);
        switch  (report.type) {
        case Expose:
            fprintf(stdout, "I have been exposed.\n");
                XDrawRectangle(dis, win, green_gc, 1, 1, 497, 497);
                XDrawRectangle(dis, win, green_gc, 50, 50, 398, 398);
            case KeyPress:
        /*Close the program if q is pressed.*/
                if (XLookupKeysym(&report.xkey, 0) == XK_q) {

return 0;

我可能误解了这个问题。如果要在应用程序中创建Expose事件,则可以创建和设置expose event,然后使用XSendEvent发送它。

关于c++ - 在X11中相当于 "Invalidate Rect"/ "WM_PAINT",我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17027993/

10-11 00:49