

代码如下。 onError被阻止,因为我正在使用cferror代码显示它。只需删除cferror并阻塞即可,如果要使用它将onError:

<!--- this component controls the application's global settings / event
handlers and maintains user sessions --->

  <!--- define some basic settings --->

  <cfset this.name = "QualityDataPortal" />
  <cfset this.sessionManagement = "yes" />
  <cfset this.setClientCookies = "no" />
  <cfset this.loginStorage = "session" />
  <!--- this function is triggered when our application is initialized --->
  <cffunction name="onApplicationStart" access="public" returntype="boolean" output="no">
    <!--- define application variables --->
    <cfset application.dataSource = 'quality' />
    <!--- return out --->
    <cfreturn true />
    mailTo="[email protected]" />
  <!--- <!--- this function is triggered when coldfusion encounters an error --->
    <cffunction name="onError" access="public" returntype="void" output="no">
      <cfargument name="exception" required="yes">
      <cfargument name="eventname" type="string" required="yes">

      <!--- send a dump of the error via email --->
      <cfmail from="[email protected]" to="[email protected]" subject="Quality Data Portal Error Encountered" type="html">
          The following error was encountered on #dateformat(now(), 'dddd mmmm dd, yyyy')# at #timeformat(now(), 'hh:mm:ss tt')#<br /><br />
          <cfdump var="#arguments.exception#">
          <cftry><cfdump var="#arguments#"><cfcatch></cfcatch></cftry>
          <cfdump var="#form#">
          <cfdump var="#session#">
          <cfdump var="#cgi#">

      <!--- alert the user that an error has been encountered --->
      <cflocation url="error.cfm" addtoken="no">
      <cfabort />

    </cffunction> --->

  <!--- this function is triggered when coldfusion receives a request for a template it cannot locate --->
  <cffunction name="onMissingTemplate" access="public" returntype="void" output="no">
    <cfargument name="targetPage" type="string" required="yes">
    <!--- alert the user that the page they requested could not be found --->
    <cflocation url="404.cfm" addtoken="no">
    <cfabort />
    <!--- return out --->
    <cfreturn />




<cffunction name="onError" returntype="void" output="false">

    <cfargument name="exception" required="true">
    <cfargument name="eventname" type="string" required="true">

    <cfmail to="[email protected]" from="[email protected]" subject="Quality Data Portal Error Encountered" type="html">

        <cfoutput>The following error was encountered on #DateFormat(now(), "dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy")# at #TimeFormat(now(), "HH:nn:ss")#</cfoutput>
        <hr />
        <cfdump var="#exception#" label="Exception" />
        <cfdump var="#form#" label="Form" />
        <cfdump var="#session#" label="Session" />
        <cfdump var="#cgi#" label="CGI" />


    <cflocation url="error.cfm" addtoken="false" />



请注意:#timeformat(now(), 'hh:mm:ss tt'),应在几分钟内使用nn而不是mm
<cflocation ...之后没有代码,因为ColdFusion不会运行它。


07-27 19:31