所以,我在本周早些时候询问了this question,@newfurnunity帮了我一把,但现在我有了一个新问题:我希望能够将设备放在这个跨度上超过一个U(因此,设备db表中的usize列)-有些设备可以跨越半个机柜。另外,我希望能够将设备标记为在机柜的前面或后面,但这应该足够简单,我可以搞清楚。

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function clickHandler(e)
        var targetId, srcElement, targetElement;
        if (window.event) e = window.event;
        srcElement = e.srcElement? e.srcElement: e.target;
        if (srcElement.className == "Outline")
                targetId = srcElement.id + "d";
                targetElement = document.getElementById(targetId);

            if (targetElement.style.display == "none")
                        targetElement.style.display = "";
                        srcElement.src = "images/minus.gif";
                    targetElement.style.display = "none";
                    srcElement.src = "images/plus.gif";
    document.onclick = clickHandler;
<noscript>You need Javascript enabled for this page to work correctly</noscript>
function sql_conn()

    @mysql_connect($server,$username,$password) or die("<h2 align=\"center\" class=\"red\">[<img src=\"images/critical.gif\" border=\"0\">] Unable to connect to $server [<img src=\"images/critical.gif\" border=\"0\">]</h2>");
    @mysql_select_db($database) or die("<h2 align=\"center\" class=\"red\">[<img src=\"images/critical.gif\" border=\"0\">] Unable to select $database as a database [<img src=\"images/critical.gif\" border=\"0\">]</h2>");

$sql_datacenters="SELECT * FROM `datacenters`";
echo "<table border='1' style='float:left;'>";
while ($datacenters_sqlrow=mysql_fetch_array($result_datacenters))
    echo "<tr><td>";
    echo "<h2 class='black' align='left'>";
    echo "<IMG SRC='images/plus.gif' ID='Out" . $j . "' CLASS='Outline' STYLE='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>"; // fancy icon for expanding-collapsing section
    echo " " . $datacenters_sqlrow['rack'] . ": " . $datacenters_sqlrow['cagenum'] . "</h2>"; // datacenter name and cage number
    echo "<div id=\"Out" . $j . "d\" style=\"display:none\">"; // opening of div box for section that is to be expanded-collapsed
    echo $datacenters_sqlrow['notes'] . "<br /><br />"; // datacenter notes
    $sql_cabinets="SELECT * FROM `cabinets` WHERE `datacenter` = '$datacenters_sqlrow[0]' ORDER BY `cabinetnumber` ASC";
    while ($cabinets_sqlrow=mysql_fetch_array($result_cabinets))
        $sql_devices="SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `datacenter` = '$datacenters_sqlrow[0]' AND `cabinet` = '$cabinets_sqlrow[1]' ORDER BY `ustartlocation` ASC";
        echo "<table border='1' style='float:left;'>"; // opening of table for all cabinets in datacenter
        echo "<tr><td colspan='2' align='middle'>" . $cabinets_sqlrow[1] . "</td></tr>"; // cabinet number, spans U column and device name column
        $devices = array();
        while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result_devices)) {
            $devices[$row['ustartlocation']] = $row['devicename'];
        for ($i = 0; $i < $cabinets_sqlrow[2]; $i++) // iterates through number of U in cabinet
            $u = $cabinets_sqlrow[2] - $i; // subtracts current $i value from number of U in cabinet since cabinets start their numbers from the bottom up
            echo "<tr>";
            echo "<td width='15px' align='right'>$u</td>"; // U number
            echo (isset($devices[$u]) ? "<td width='150px' align='middle'>$devices[$u]</td>" : "<td width='150px' align='middle'>empty</td>");
            echo "</tr>";
        echo "</table>"; // closes table opened earlier
    echo "</td></tr>";
    echo "</div>"; // close for div box that needs expanding-collapsing by fancy java
    $j++; // iteration for the fancy java expand-collapse
echo "</table>";


基于您之前的问题,每个ustartlocation都是唯一的(因此您可以将其用作$devices数组中的索引)。使用相同的概念,您可以将$devices数组从“ustartlocation填充到(ustartlocation + (usize - 1))”。

$devices = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result_devices)) {
    $endLocation = ($row['ustartlocation'] + ($row['usize'] - 1));
    for ($location = $row['ustartlocation']; $location <= $endLocation; $location++) {
        $devices[$location] = $row['devicename'];

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result_devices)) {
    // get the "top" location for the current device
    $topLocation = ($row['ustartlocation'] + $row['usize'] - 1);

    // populate the real position
    $devices[$topLocation] = $row;

    // generate a list of "placeholder" positions
    for ($location = ($topLocation - 1); $location >= $row['ustartlocation']; $location--) {
        $devices[$location] = 'placeholder';

for ($i = 0; $i < $cabinets_sqlrow[2]; $i++) {
    $u = $cabinets_sqlrow[2] - $i;
    echo "<tr>";
    echo '<td width="15px" align="right">' . $u . '</td>';
    if (isset($devices[$u])) {
        // we have a "device" here; if it's a "placeholder", do nothing!
        if ($devices[$u] != 'placeholder') {
            echo '<td width="150px" align="middle" rowspan="' . $devices[$u]['usize'] . '">' . $devices[$u]['devicename'] . '</td>';
    } else {
        echo '<td width="150px" align="middle">empty</td>';
    echo "</tr>";

$spanDevicesUpwards = true;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result_devices)) {
    if ($row['usize'] == 1) {
        $devices[$row['ustartlocation']] = $row;
    } else {
        $topLocation = ($spanDevicesUpwards ? ($row['ustartlocation'] + $row['usize'] - 1) : $row['ustartlocation']);
        $bottomLocation = ($spanDevicesUpwards ? $row['ustartlocation'] : ($row['ustartlocation'] - $row['usize'] + 1));

        $devices[$topLocation] = $row;
        for ($location = ($topLocation - 1); $location >= $bottomLocation; $location--) {
            $devices[$location] = 'placeholder';

如果usize跨越的范围超过1,则此新代码块将确定当前设备的“顶部单元格”和“底部单元格”。如果向上延伸,则顶部单元格为ustartlocation + usize - 1;如果向下延伸,则仅为ustartlocation。底部位置也以这种方式确定。

关于php - 如何根据行号是否匹配来填充HTML表编号的行?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13219921/

10-09 16:46