

我附上一张样本图片。红线可以理解为GMS折线和蓝点是我通过CLLocation Manager接收到的GPS坐标。

ios - GMSMarker在GMSPolyline的拐角处弹跳-LMLPHP


// While drawing polyline on GMSMapView
GMSPath *path = [GMSPath pathFromEncodedPath:strEncodedPolyline]; // Decoding encoded polyline string for converting to locations.
// Capture all path points in to a global array,So that we can track how user is travelling later.
arrLocationsOnPolyline = [NSMutableArray new]; // Make it fresh before filling
for (int counter = 0; counter < path.count; ++counter)
    CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate = [path coordinateAtIndex:counter];
    CLLocation *locTemp = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:coordinate.latitude longitude:coordinate.longitude];
    [arrLocationsOnPolyline addObject:locTemp];
// Here,After loop ending, we'll get all path points as locations in to arrLocationsOnPolyline

// Now in -locationManager:didUpdateLocations: delegate method,
// 1. Find the index of nearest path point to user's current location in arrLocationsOnPolyline,Lets call it as nFoundAtIndexTemp.
// FMI : loop through the arrLocationsOnPolyline and find the nearest point's index to user's current location,

// Hold a global nLastFoundAtIndex variable and make it's default value as -1(in -viewDidLoad or somewhere),
// 2. Check
if (nLastFoundAtIndex >= 0 && nFoundAtIndexTemp > (nLastFoundAtIndex + 10)) // (Means app didn't received location updates but user actually traveled through more than 10 points on poyline drawn)
    // 3. Hurray,You got him,Now animate your blue current location marker from the location at last stored nearest path point index and current nearest path point index of arrLocationsOnPolyline

// 4. Update nLastFoundAtIndex with current state
nLastFoundAtIndex = nFoundAtIndexTemp;

// Code To Animate user location marker through the missed points
// Call this function with array of user missed points(Probably from -locationManager:didUpdateLocations:),Marker will be animated through the points.
#pragma mark - Animating through the missed coordinates
-(void)animateMarker:(GMSMarker *)markerUserLocation throughTheMissedLocations:(NSMutableArray <CLLocation *> *)arrMissedLocations
        CLLocation *locTemp = arrMissedLocations.firstObject;
            [CATransaction begin];
            NSTimeInterval nAnimationDuration = 0.1; // Update this value as per your needs.
            [CATransaction setAnimationDuration:nAnimationDuration];
            markerUserLocation.position = locTemp.coordinate;
            if(arrMissedLocations.count >= 1)
                    [CATransaction setCompletionBlock:^
                            [arrMissedLocations removeObject:locTemp];
                            [self animateMarker:markerUserLocation throughTheMissedLocations:arrMissedLocations];
                        @catch (NSException *exception)
                            NSLog(@"exception at %s function %@",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,exception.debugDescription);
                @catch (NSException *exception)
                    NSLog(@"exception at %s function %@",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,exception.debugDescription);
            [CATransaction commit];
    @catch (NSException *exception)
        NSLog(@"exception at %s function %@",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,exception.debugDescription);



09-25 16:38