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Closed 5 years ago.
reversing linked list
void stack_reverse(struct node **head, struct node **head_next)
    struct node *temp;

    if (*head_next != NULL)
        temp = (*head_next)->next;
        (*head_next)->next = (*head);
        *head = *head_next;
        *head_next = temp;
        stack_reverse(head, head_next);



void stack_reverse(struct node **head, struct node **head_next)
    // Make a temp node.
    struct node *temp;

    // Check if head_next is not null.
    if (*head_next != NULL)
        // Make temp point to the next element of head_next.
        temp = (*head_next)->next;

        // Make next of head_next point to the head.
        (*head_next)->next = (*head);

        // Make head point to head_next.
        *head = *head_next;

        // Make head_next point to temp.
        *head_next = temp;

        // Call the same function again until you are done.
        stack_reverse(head, head_next);

07-27 18:15