
data Person = Person
  { personName :: String
  , personAddress :: Maybe PersonAddress

data PersonAddress = PersonAddress
  { personAddressStreet :: String
  , personAddressStreet1 :: Maybe String
  , personAddressStreet2 :: Maybe PersonAddressStreet2

data PersonAddressStreet2 = PersonAddressStreet2
  { personAddress2StreetStreet :: Maybe String
  , personAddress2StreetNumber :: Maybe Int


理想情况下,我希望看到在嵌套结构中找到值的完整路径(例如(Person) personAddress -> (PersonAddress) personAddressStreet1)

我研究了Typeable / Generic机器,虽然它似乎与我要尝试的工作有关,但仍不清楚如何在这里使用这些机器。




  • 在这种情况下,路径的类型是什么?现在,我将仅使用[String]。每个String表示构造函数名称或字段名称。
  • 如果没有字段名怎么办?我将其记录为字段名称"no-field-name"
  • 我们应该走多深?例如,如果您有另一个外部模块的数据构造函数,我们是否也应该在该模块中搜索Nothing字段?我将创建一个类型族,该类型族将类型映射到是否应该归入该类型。

  • 由于此解决方案有点长,因此我将其与段落分开。
    {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts,
                 MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeInType, FlexibleInstances,
                 TypeOperators, ScopedTypeVariables, UndecidableInstances
    import GHC.Generics
    import GHC.TypeLits
    import Data.Proxy
    -- List of constructor or field names to descend to the right field
    type Field = [String]
    class NothingFields a where
      nothingFields :: a -> [Field]

     type family StopDigging a :: Bool where
       StopDigging Person = False
       StopDigging PersonAddress = False
       StopDigging PersonAddressStreet2 = False
       StopDigging [a] = StopDigging a
       StopDigging (Maybe a) = StopDigging a
       StopDigging a = True

    现在,我们想要一个NothingFields实例和一个辅助类NothingFields'分支,以确定是否具有我们应该尝试探索其字段的类型。注意,这是一个well-documented problem and there are tricks to solve it
    -- This instance always matches because of its general instance head.
    -- It dispatches to the right version of `nothingFields'` based on
    -- whether  the `StopDigging` type family returns true or false.
    instance (flag ~ StopDigging a, NothingFields' a flag) => NothingFields a where
      nothingFields = nothingFields' (Proxy :: Proxy flag)
    -- Helper class whose instances' heads have different flags.
    class NothingFields' a (flag :: Bool) where
      nothingFields' :: proxy flag -> a -> [Field]
    -- Stop digging into fields
    instance NothingFields' a True where
      nothingFields' _ _ = []
    -- Continue digging into fields
    instance (Generic a, GNothingFields' (Rep a)) => NothingFields' a False where
       nothingFields' _ = gNothingFields . from

    -- Generic helper class corresponding to `NothingFields'`
    class GNothingFields' f where
      gNothingFields :: f a -> [Field]
    -- constructors without arguments
    instance GNothingFields' U1 where
      gNothingFields U1 = []
    -- sum of constructors
    instance (GNothingFields' f, GNothingFields' g) => GNothingFields' (f :+: g) where
      gNothingFields (L1 x) = gNothingFields x
      gNothingFields (R1 x) = gNothingFields x
    -- product; multiple fields
    instance (GNothingFields' f, GNothingFields' g) => GNothingFields' (f :*: g) where
      gNothingFields (x :*: y) = gNothingFields x ++ gNothingFields y

    其余情况为:字段数据的M1和字段中的实际数据的K1。这才是真正的把戏发生的地方。 M1元数据位于数据类型,构造函数和记录的周围。我们只想跟踪最后两个:
    -- The `D` tells us this is datatype metadata.
    instance GNothingFields' f => GNothingFields' (M1 D t f) where
      gNothingFields (M1 x) = gNothingFields x
    -- The `C` tells us this is constructor metadata, so we extract
    -- the constructor name using `symbolVal`.
    instance (KnownSymbol constructor, GNothingFields' f) => GNothingFields' (M1 C ('MetaCons constructor a b) f) where
      gNothingFields (M1 x) = (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy constructor) :) <$> gNothingFields x
    -- The `S` tells us this is record field metadata, but the `Nothing`
    -- tells us the field has no name.
    instance (GNothingFields' f) => GNothingFields' (M1 S ('MetaSel ('Nothing) a b c) f) where
      gNothingFields (M1 x) = ("no field name" :) <$> gNothingFields x
    -- The `S` tells us this is record field metadata, and the `Just`
    -- tells us the field has a name, so we extract that using `symbolVal`.
    instance (KnownSymbol selector, GNothingFields' f) => GNothingFields' (M1 S ('MetaSel ('Just selector) a b c) f) where
      gNothingFields (M1 x) = (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy selector) :) <$> gNothingFields x
    -- This represents an actual data field of type `Maybe`. Note we
    -- recurse using our initial `nothingFields` and not `gNothingFields`.
    instance {-# OVERLAPPING  #-} (NothingFields a) => GNothingFields' (K1 i (Maybe a)) where
      gNothingFields (K1 Nothing) = [[]]
      gNothingFields (K1 (Just x)) = nothingFields x
    -- This represents an actual data field of type _not_ `Maybe`. Note we
    -- recurse using our initial `nothingFields` and not `gNothingFields`.
    instance (NothingFields a) => GNothingFields' (K1 i a) where
      gNothingFields (K1 x) = nothingFields x

    ghci> nothingFields (Person "name" Nothing)
    ghci> nothingFields (Person "name" (Just (PersonAddress "addr" Nothing Nothing)))
    ghci> nothingFields (Person "name" (Just (PersonAddress "addr" (Just "street1") Nothing)))
    ghci> nothingFields (Person "name" (Just (PersonAddress "addr" Nothing (Just (PersonAddressStreet2 Nothing Nothing)))))



    07-27 13:43