问题1:我想将以下“ Class Dog”的“特定”排序值添加到“ Ser”类中使用的“ Map”中。但我不知道如何实现这一目标,



 class Dog implements Comparator<Dog>, Comparable<Dog>{

   private double Price;
 private String Operator;

  Dog( double p, String o){

   Price= p;

  public double getPrice(){
  return Price;
    public String getOperator(){
      return Operator;

  // Overriding the compareTo method
  public int compareTo(Dog d){

   double data= Price - d.Price;
   if ( data > 0.00001)return 1;
   if (data < 0.00001) return -1;
   return 0;

   // Overriding the compare method to sort the age
  public int compare(Dog d, Dog d1){

  double data= d.Price - d1.Price;

   if ( data > 0.00001)return 1;
   if (data < 0.00001) return -1;
   return 0;



 public class Ser {
    * @param args
   public static void main(String[] args) {
// Takes a list o Dog objects
ArrayList <Dog> list1 = new ArrayList<Dog>();

Map <Integer, ArrayList<Dog> > map= new HashMap <Integer, ArrayList<Dog> > ();

  list1.add(new Dog(0.99 , "A"));
  list1.add(new Dog(0.91 , "C"));
  list1.add(new Dog(0.92 , "A"));
  list1.add(new Dog(0.97 , "B"));
  list1.add(new Dog( 0.93 , "C"));
  list1.add(new Dog(0.97 , "B"));
  list1.add(new Dog(0.92, "A"));
  list1.add(new Dog(0.97, "C"));
  list1.add(new Dog(0.92, "A"));
  // Sorts the array list using comparator

  Collections.sort(list1, new Dog());

  for(Dog a: list1)//printing the sorted list of ages
      System.out.println( a.getOperator()+"  : "+ a.getPrice());

  map.put(92,  list1);
  map.put(445, list1);
  map.put(966, list1);

 // Collections.sort(list1, new Dog());

 for (ArrayList<Dog> key: map.values() )



[狗@ a981ca,狗@ 8814e9,狗@ 1503a3,狗@ 1a1c887,狗@ 743399,狗@ e7b241,狗@ 167d940,狗@ e83912,狗@ 1fae3c6]
[狗@ a981ca,狗@ 8814e9,狗@ 1503a3,狗@ 1a1c887,狗@ 743399,狗@ e7b241,狗@ 167d940,狗@ e83912,狗@ 1fae3c6]
[狗@ a981ca,狗@ 8814e9,狗@ 1503a3,狗@ 1a1c887,狗@ 743399,狗@ e7b241,狗@ 167d940,狗@ e83912,狗@ 1fae3c6]



public String toString() {
    return "Dog [Price=" + Price + ", Operator=" + Operator + "]";

07-27 13:33