
equalizeHist(image, image);

如果我愿意,我可以定义一个 roi 并均衡图像中的这个 roi:
Mat aux3 = image.clone();
equalizeHist(image(Rect(0,100, 200,200)), aux3(Rect(0,100, 200,200)));

我现在想做的(我不知道是否可能)是使用点 vector (cv::vector contour)定义一个 Roi(con​​tour)并均衡这个 roi(这个 roi 并不总是会是一个矩形)


是否可以使用 openCV 函数均衡不是矩形的图像部分?


OpenCV 中没有内置函数来使用掩码执行直方图均衡。您仍然可以编写自定义的。


// Load image
Mat3b img = imread("path_to_image");

// Convert to grayscale
Mat1b gray;
cvtColor(img, gray, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

c++ - OpenCV,均衡图像轮廓的直方图-LMLPHP

// Your vector of points
vector<Point> pts = { Point(300, 180), Point(450, 150), Point(600, 200), Point(650, 350), Point(300,300) };

// Create the mask
Mat1b mask(img.rows, img.cols, uchar(0));
vector<vector<Point>> ptsarray{pts};
fillPoly(mask, ptsarray, Scalar(255));

c&#43;&#43; - OpenCV,均衡图像轮廓的直方图-LMLPHP

调用您的自定义函数 equalizeHistWithMask 以使用蒙版均衡图像:
// Equalize with mask
Mat1b equalized;
equalizeHistWithMask(gray, equalized, mask);

c&#43;&#43; - OpenCV,均衡图像轮廓的直方图-LMLPHP

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

void equalizeHistWithMask(const Mat1b& src, Mat1b& dst, Mat1b mask = Mat1b())
    int cnz = countNonZero(mask);
    if (mask.empty() || ( cnz == src.rows*src.cols))
        equalizeHist(src, dst);

    dst = src.clone();

    // Histogram
    vector<int> hist(256,0);
    for (int r = 0; r < src.rows; ++r) {
        for (int c = 0; c < src.cols; ++c) {
            if (mask(r, c)) {
                hist[src(r, c)]++;

    // Cumulative histogram
    float scale = 255.f / float(cnz);
    vector<uchar> lut(256);
    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < hist.size(); ++i) {
        sum += hist[i];
        lut[i] = saturate_cast<uchar>(sum * scale);

    // Apply equalization
    for (int r = 0; r < src.rows; ++r) {
        for (int c = 0; c < src.cols; ++c) {
            if (mask(r, c)) {
                dst(r, c) = lut[src(r,c)];

int main()
    // Load image
    Mat3b img = imread("path_to_image");

    // Convert to grayscale
    Mat1b gray;
    cvtColor(img, gray, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

    // Your vector of points
    vector<Point> pts = { Point(300, 180), Point(450, 150), Point(600, 200), Point(650, 350), Point(300,300) };

    // Create the mask
    Mat1b mask(img.rows, img.cols, uchar(0));
    vector<vector<Point>> ptsarray{pts};
    fillPoly(mask, ptsarray, Scalar(255));

    // Equalize with mask
    Mat1b equalized;
    equalizeHistWithMask(gray, equalized, mask);

    imshow("Gray", gray);
    imshow("Mask", mask);
    imshow("Equalized", equalized);

    return 0;


该代码基于 answers.opencv.org 上的 this 问题

关于c++ - OpenCV,均衡图像轮廓的直方图,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33691226/

10-13 04:18