
Restaurant = namedtuple('Restaurant', 'name cuisine phone menu')
Dish = namedtuple('Dish', 'name price calories')

r1 = Restaurant('Thai Dishes', 'Thai', '334-4433', [Dish('Mee Krob', 12.50, 500),
                                                Dish('Larb Gai', 11.00, 450)])
r2 = Restaurant('Taillevent', 'French', '01-44-95-15-01',
            [Dish('Homard Bleu', 45.00, 750),
             Dish('Tournedos Rossini', 65.00, 950),
             Dish("Selle d'Agneau", 60.00, 850)])

collection =[r1,r2]

def Collection_is_cheap(C, price):
    result = []
    if not C:
       return ''
        for rest in C:
            for dish in rest.menu:
                if dish.price <= price:
    return result


print(Collection_is_cheap(collection, 28))


[Restaurant(name='Thai Dishes', cuisine='Thai', phone='334-4433', menu=[Dish(name='Mee Krob', price=12.5, calories=500), Dish(name='Larb Gai', price=11.0, calories=450)]), Restaurant(name='Thai Dishes', cuisine='Thai', phone='334-4433', menu=[Dish(name='Mee Krob', price=12.5, calories=500), Dish(name='Larb Gai', price=11.0, calories=450)]), Restaurant(name='Pascal', cuisine='French', phone='940-752-0107', menu=[Dish(name='Escargots', price=12.95, calories=250), Dish(name='Poached salmon', price=18.5, calories=550), Dish(name='Rack of lamb', price=24.0, calories=850), Dish(name='Marjolaine cake', price=8.5, calories=950)]), Restaurant(name='Pascal', cuisine='French', phone='940-752-0107', menu=[Dish(name='Escargots', price=12.95, calories=250), Dish(name='Poached salmon', price=18.5, calories=550), Dish(name='Rack of lamb', price=24.0, calories=850), Dish(name='Marjolaine cake', price=8.5, calories=950)]), Restaurant(name='Pascal', cuisine='French', phone='940-752-0107', menu=[Dish(name='Escargots', price=12.95, calories=250), Dish(name='Poached salmon', price=18.5, calories=550), Dish(name='Rack of lamb', price=24.0, calories=850), Dish(name='Marjolaine cake', price=8.5, calories=950)]), Restaurant(name='Pascal', cuisine='French', phone='940-752-0107', menu=[Dish(name='Escargots', price=12.95, calories=250), Dish(name='Poached salmon', price=18.5, calories=550), Dish(name='Rack of lamb', price=24.0, calories=850), Dish(name='Marjolaine cake', price=8.5, calories=950)])]


[Restaurant(name='Thai Dishes', cuisine='Thai', phone='334-4433', menu=[Dish(name='Mee Krob', price=12.5, calories=500), Dish(name='Larb Gai', price=11.0, calories=450)]), Restaurant(name='Pascal', cuisine='French', phone='940-752-0107', menu=[Dish(name='Escargots', price=12.95, calories=250), Dish(name='Poached salmon', price=18.5, calories=550), Dish(name='Rack of lamb', price=24.0, calories=850), Dish(name='Marjolaine cake', price=8.5, calories=950)]



def Collection_is_cheap(C, price):
    result = []
    for rest in C:
        for dish in rest.menu:
            if dish.price <= price:
                break  # stop the rest.menu loop, go to the next
    return result

请注意,我删除了if not C: return ''部分;最好不要从函数中返回不同类型的对象。


>>> def Collection_is_cheap(C, price):
...     result = []
...     for rest in C:
...         for dish in rest.menu:
...             if dish.price <= price:
...                 result.append(rest)
...                 break  # stop the rest.menu loop, go to the next
...     return result
>>> print(Collection_is_cheap(collection, 28))
[Restaurant(name='Thai Dishes', cuisine='Thai', phone='334-4433', menu=(Dish(name='Mee Krob', price=12.5, calories=500), Dish(name='Larb Gai', price=11.0, calories=450))), Restaurant(name='Pascal', cuisine='French', phone='940-752-0107', menu=(Dish(name='Escargots', price=12.95, calories=250), Dish(name='Poached salmon', price=18.5, calories=550), Dish(name='Rack of lamb', price=24.0, calories=850), Dish(name='Marjolaine cake', price=8.5, calories=950)))]


def Collection_is_cheap(C, price):
    result = set()
    for rest in C:
        for dish in rest.menu:
            if dish.price <= price:
    return list(result)


r1 = Restaurant('Thai Dishes', 'Thai', '334-4433', (
    Dish('Mee Krob', 12.50, 500),
    Dish('Larb Gai', 11.00, 450)))

r2 = Restaurant('Taillevent', 'French', '01-44-95-15-01', (
    Dish('Homard Bleu', 45.00, 750),
    Dish('Tournedos Rossini', 65.00, 950),
    Dish("Selle d'Agneau", 60.00, 850)))

r3 = Restaurant('Pascal', 'French', '940-752-0107', (
    Dish('Escargots', 12.95, 250),
    Dish('Poached salmon', 18.50, 550),
    Dish("Rack of lamb", 24.00, 850),
    Dish("Marjolaine cake", 8.50, 950)))




>>> def Collection_is_cheap(C, price):
...     result = set()
...     for rest in C:
...         for dish in rest.menu:
...             if dish.price <= price:
...                 result.add(rest)
...     return list(result)
>>> print(Collection_is_cheap(collection, 28))
[Restaurant(name='Thai Dishes', cuisine='Thai', phone='334-4433', menu=(Dish(name='Mee Krob', price=12.5, calories=500), Dish(name='Larb Gai', price=11.0, calories=450))), Restaurant(name='Pascal', cuisine='French', phone='940-752-0107', menu=(Dish(name='Escargots', price=12.95, calories=250), Dish(name='Poached salmon', price=18.5, calories=550), Dish(name='Rack of lamb', price=24.0, calories=850), Dish(name='Marjolaine cake', price=8.5, calories=950)))]


def Collection_is_cheap(C, price):
    result = []
    for rest in C:
        for dish in rest.menu:
            if dish.price <= price and rest not in result:
    return result

这很慢且成本很高,因为Python会分别测试列表中的每个元素以查看rest == element是否为真,而使用set的技巧称为哈希表,用于快速检查对象是否已经存在,通常只需要花费一些时间即可一次计算检查。

关于python - 遍历namedtuple列表,选择餐厅,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31634825/

10-09 12:35