


#include <stdint.h>
typedef struct {
    uint32_t *pixels;
    unsigned int w;
    unsigned int h;
} image_t;
#define getByte(value, n) (value >> (n*8) & 0xFF)

uint32_t getpixel(image_t *image, unsigned int x, unsigned int y){
    return image->pixels[(y*image->w)+x];
float lerp(float s, float e, float t){return s+(e-s)*t;}
float blerp(float c00, float c10, float c01, float c11, float tx, float ty){
    return lerp(lerp(c00, c10, tx), lerp(c01, c11, tx), ty);
void putpixel(image_t *image, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, uint32_t color){
    image->pixels[(y*image->w) + x] = color;
void scale(image_t *src, image_t *dst, float scalex, float scaley){
    int newWidth = (int)src->w*scalex;
    int newHeight= (int)src->h*scaley;
    int x, y;
    for(x= 0, y=0; y < newHeight; x++){
        if(x > newWidth){
            x = 0; y++;
        float gx = x / (float)(newWidth) * (src->w-1);
        float gy = y / (float)(newHeight) * (src->h-1);
        int gxi = (int)gx;
        int gyi = (int)gy;
        uint32_t result=0;
        uint32_t c00 = getpixel(src, gxi, gyi);
        uint32_t c10 = getpixel(src, gxi+1, gyi);
        uint32_t c01 = getpixel(src, gxi, gyi+1);
        uint32_t c11 = getpixel(src, gxi+1, gyi+1);
        uint8_t i;
        for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){
            //((uint8_t*)&result)[i] = blerp( ((uint8_t*)&c00)[i], ((uint8_t*)&c10)[i], ((uint8_t*)&c01)[i], ((uint8_t*)&c11)[i], gxi - gx, gyi - gy); // this is shady
            result |= (uint8_t)blerp(getByte(c00, i), getByte(c10, i), getByte(c01, i), getByte(c11, i), gx - gxi, gy -gyi) << (8*i);
        putpixel(dst,x, y, result);



您的问题可能不是那么确定如何调用scale,而是更多了如何确定如何加载图像。我推荐SOIL library,它可以处理大多数常用格式并为您提供原始像素数据。

您很可能还需要一些功能来根据原始图像创建实际的image_t实例。 SOIL和其他图像库应该能够为您提供宽度和高度,以及图像本身的某种字节或整数数组。 image_t在您的示例中似乎是行优先的,因此可以执行以下操作:

image_t to_image_t(int width, int height, unsigned char* data) {
    image_t img = { malloc(sizeof(int) * width * height), width, height };
    for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i ++) {
        // You may need to fiddle with this based on your image's format
        // and how you load it.
        img->pixels[i] = (data[0] << 24)
                       | (data[1] << 16)
                       | (data[2] << 8)
                       | (data[3]);
    return img;


10-07 16:44