
import java.util.*;
public class Evaluation {
    //private static final char[] validOperators = {'/','*','+','-'};
    private Evaluation()
        /* Using a private contructor to prevent instantiation
           Using class as a simple static utility class

    private static int evaluate(String leftSide, char oper, String rightSide)
            throws IllegalArgumentException
        System.out.println("Evaluating: " + leftSide +  " (" + oper + ") " + rightSide);
        int total = 0;
        int leftResult = 0;
        int rightResult = 0;
        String originalString =leftSide;
        int operatorLoc  = findOperatorLocation(leftSide);
        leftSide = leftSide.substring(0,operatorLoc);
        rightSide = originalString.substring(operatorLoc+1,operatorLoc+2);
        String remainingString = originalString.substring(operatorLoc+2,originalString.length());

        System.out.println("leftSide -->"+leftSide);
        System.out.println("rightSide -->"+rightSide);
        System.out.println("remainingString --->"+remainingString);

        try {
            leftResult = Integer.parseInt(leftSide);
        } catch(Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Invalid value found in portion of equation: "
                + leftSide);

        try {
            rightResult = Integer.parseInt(rightSide);
        } catch(Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Invalid value found in portion of equation: "
                + rightSide);

        System.out.println("Getting result of: " + leftResult + " " + oper + " " + rightResult);
        case '/':
            total = leftResult / rightResult; break;
        case '*':
            total = leftResult * rightResult; break;
        case '+':
            total = leftResult + rightResult; break;
        case '-':
            total = leftResult - rightResult; break;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown operator.");

        System.out.println("Returning a result of: " + total);
        String totally = String.valueOf(total)+remainingString;
        return evaluate(totally,findCharacter(totally),remainingString);

    private static int findOperatorLocation(String string) {
        int index = -1;
        index = string.indexOf(string.substring(1,2));
        if(index >= 0) {
            return index;
        return index;

    private static char findCharacter(String string) {
        char c='\u0000';
        int index = -1;
        index = string.indexOf(string.substring(1,2));
        if(index >= 0){
            c = string.charAt(index);
            return c;
        return c;

    public static int processEquation(String equation)
        throws IllegalArgumentException
        return evaluate(equation,'+',"0");

    public static void main(String[] args)
        //String usage = "Usage: java MathParser equation\nWhere equation is a series"
        // + " of integers separated by valid operators (+,-,/,*)";

        //if(args.length < 1 || args[0].length() == 0)
        // System.out.println(usage);
        Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.print("Enter the equation to be evaluated ");

        String equation = (String)input.next();
        int result = Evaluation.processEquation(equation);
        System.out.println("The result of your equation ("
            + equation + ") is: " + result);

        //catch(IllegalArgumentException iae)
        //  System.out.println(iae.getMessage() + "\n" + usage);


  3 + 5 * 2-5
  => 8 * 2-5
  => 16-5


  输入要评估的方程式3 + 5 * 2-5
  评估:3 + 5 * 2-5(+)0
  leftSide-> 3
  右侧-> 5
  剩余的字符串---> * 2-5
  得到的结果:3 + 5
  评估:8 * 2-5(*)* 2-5
  左侧-> 8
  右侧-> 2
  得到的结果是:8 * 2
  leftSide-> 1
  剩余的字符串---> 5




07-26 09:19