#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#define MAX_STUDENTS 100
#define MAX_QUESTIONS 50
using namespace std;
int fGetAnswers(FILE *p_inputf, int p_studentIds[], string p_studentAnswers[]);
int fGetAnswers(int p_studentIds[], string p_studentAnswers[]);
void printData(int numOfStudents, int numOfQuestions, string *p_correctAnswers, int studentIds[], string studentAnswers[]);
int main(void)
// Declarations
FILE *inputf = fopen("examdat.txt", "r"); // Opens "examdat.txt" and creates a pointer to it.
int studentIds[MAX_STUDENTS];
int *p_ids = studentIds; // Pointer to the studentIds array to pass to functions for manipulation.
string studentAnswers[MAX_QUESTIONS];
string *p_answers = studentAnswers; // Pointer to the studentAnswers array to pass to functions for manipulation.
int numOfQuestions;
string correctAnswers;
int numOfStudents;
fscanf(inputf, "%d %s", &numOfQuestions, correctAnswers); // Fetches the first line from the exam.dat file which contains the number of questions and the correct answers.
int readFrom = 0;
while (readFrom != 1 && readFrom != 2) // Loops until proper input is received. Asks if the user wants to read student data from the text file or enter it manually.
printf("1. Read student data from file.\n");
printf("2. Enter student data manually.\n\n");
printf("Please make a selection> ");
scanf("%d", &readFrom);
if (readFrom != 1 && readFrom != 2)
printf("\nInvalid entry!\n");
if (readFrom == 1) // Calls fGetAnswers to retrieve answers from the text file.
numOfStudents = fGetAnswers(inputf, p_ids, p_answers);
else // Calls fGetAnswers to retrieve answers from the user via the keyboard.
numOfStudents = fGetAnswers(p_ids, p_answers);
printData(numOfStudents, numOfQuestions, &correctAnswers, studentIds, studentAnswers);
#include <iostream> // for std::cout and std::cin
using namespace std::cin;
using namespace std::cout;
using namespace std::endl;
cout << numOfQuestions << "\t" << correctAnswers << endl;
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