@Bean @LoadBalanced RestTemplate restTemplate() { HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory httpRequestFactory = new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory(); httpRequestFactory.setReadTimeout(5000); httpRequestFactory.setConnectTimeout(5000); return new RestTemplate(httpRequestFactory); }
package feign; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; /** * Cloned for each invocation to {@link Client#execute(Request, feign.Request.Options)}. * Implementations may keep state to determine if retry operations should continue or not. */ public interface Retryer extends Cloneable { /** * if retry is permitted, return (possibly after sleeping). Otherwise propagate the exception. */ void continueOrPropagate(RetryableException e); Retryer clone(); public static class Default implements Retryer { private final int maxAttempts; private final long period; private final long maxPeriod; int attempt; long sleptForMillis; public Default() { this(100, SECONDS.toMillis(1), 5); } public Default(long period, long maxPeriod, int maxAttempts) { this.period = period; this.maxPeriod = maxPeriod; this.maxAttempts = maxAttempts; this.attempt = 1; }
@Bean Retryer feignRetryer() { return Retryer.NEVER_RETRY; }
@Bean Request.Options requestOptions(ConfigurableEnvironment env){ int ribbonReadTimeout = env.getProperty("ribbon.ReadTimeout", int.class, 6000); int ribbonConnectionTimeout = env.getProperty("ribbon.ConnectTimeout", int.class, 3000); return new Request.Options(ribbonConnectionTimeout, ribbonReadTimeout); }