
else if (m->lastflip->prevflip == (struct flipstacker *) &insertvertex)

显然会引发类型转换错误(VC++ 12):
cannot convert from 'piyush::insertvertexresult (__thiscall piyush::* )(piyush::mesh *,piyush::behavior *,piyush::vertex,piyush::otri *,piyush::osub *,int,int)' to 'piyush::flipstacker *'


enum insertvertexresult insertvertex(struct mesh *m, struct behavior *b,
                                     vertex newvertex, struct otri *searchtri,
                                     struct osub *splitseg,
                                     int segmentflaws, int triflaws)
/* Labels that signify the result of vertex insertion.  The result indicates */
/*   that the vertex was inserted with complete success, was inserted but    */
/*   encroaches upon a subsegment, was not inserted because it lies on a     */
/*   segment, or was not inserted because another vertex occupies the same   */
/*   location.                                                               */

/* A stack of triangles flipped during the most recent vertex insertion.     */
/*   The stack is used to undo the vertex insertion if the vertex encroaches */
/*   upon a subsegment.                                                      */

struct flipstacker {
  triangle flippedtri;                       /* A recently flipped triangle. */
  struct flipstacker *prevflip;               /* Previous flip in the stack. */

/*                                                                           */
/*  undovertex()   Undo the most recent vertex insertion.                    */
/*                                                                           */
/*  Walks through the list of transformations (flips and a vertex insertion) */
/*  in the reverse of the order in which they were done, and undoes them.    */
/*  The inserted vertex is removed from the triangulation and deallocated.   */
/*  Two triangles (possibly just one) are also deallocated.                  */
/*                                                                           */

void undovertex(struct mesh *m, struct behavior *b)
  struct otri fliptri;
  struct otri botleft, botright, topright;
  struct otri botlcasing, botrcasing, toprcasing;
  struct otri gluetri;
  struct osub botlsubseg, botrsubseg, toprsubseg;
  vertex botvertex, rightvertex;
  triangle ptr;                         /* Temporary variable used by sym(). */
  subseg sptr;                      /* Temporary variable used by tspivot(). */

  /* Walk through the list of transformations (flips and a vertex insertion) */
  /*   in the reverse of the order in which they were done, and undo them.   */
  while (m->lastflip != (struct flipstacker *) NULL) {
    /* Find a triangle involved in the last unreversed transformation. */
    decode(m->lastflip->flippedtri, fliptri);

    /* We are reversing one of three transformations:  a trisection of one */
    /*   triangle into three (by inserting a vertex in the triangle), a    */
    /*   bisection of two triangles into four (by inserting a vertex in an */
    /*   edge), or an edge flip.                                           */
    if (m->lastflip->prevflip == (struct flipstacker *) NULL) {
      /* Restore a triangle that was split into three triangles, */
      /*   so it is again one triangle.                          */
      dprev(fliptri, botleft);
      onext(fliptri, botright);
      sym(botleft, botlcasing);
      sym(botright, botrcasing);
      dest(botleft, botvertex);

      setapex(fliptri, botvertex);
      bond(fliptri, botlcasing);
      tspivot(botleft, botlsubseg);
      tsbond(fliptri, botlsubseg);
      bond(fliptri, botrcasing);
      tspivot(botright, botrsubseg);
      tsbond(fliptri, botrsubseg);

      /* Delete the two spliced-out triangles. */
      triangledealloc(m, botleft.tri);
      triangledealloc(m, botright.tri);
    } else if (m->lastflip->prevflip == (struct flipstacker *) &insertvertex) {
      /* Restore two triangles that were split into four triangles, */
      /*   so they are again two triangles.                         */
      lprev(fliptri, gluetri);
      sym(gluetri, botright);
      sym(botright, botrcasing);
      dest(botright, rightvertex);

      setorg(fliptri, rightvertex);
      bond(gluetri, botrcasing);
      tspivot(botright, botrsubseg);
      tsbond(gluetri, botrsubseg);

      /* Delete the spliced-out triangle. */
      triangledealloc(m, botright.tri);

      sym(fliptri, gluetri);
      if (gluetri.tri != m->dummytri) {
        dnext(gluetri, topright);
        sym(topright, toprcasing);

        setorg(gluetri, rightvertex);
        bond(gluetri, toprcasing);
        tspivot(topright, toprsubseg);
        tsbond(gluetri, toprsubseg);

        /* Delete the spliced-out triangle. */
        triangledealloc(m, topright.tri);

      /* This is the end of the list, sneakily encoded. */
      m->lastflip->prevflip = (struct flipstacker *) NULL;
    } else {
      /* Undo an edge flip. */
      unflip(m, b, &fliptri);

    /* Go on and process the next transformation. */
    m->lastflip = m->lastflip->prevflip;

我的问题是,这样的 Actor 试图做到什么?为什么这可能呢?




if (m->checkquality) {
  m->lastflip = (struct flipstacker *) poolalloc(&m->flipstackers);
  m->lastflip->flippedtri = encode(horiz);
  printf("Fatal Error: Contact piyush\n");
  m->lastflip->prevflip = (struct flipstacker *) &insertvertex;

请注意,有一个相同的奇怪的 Actor ,但是这次是一个任务。

  • 在某个时间点insertvertex都不是函数,而是实际上可以转换为(struct flipstacker *)
  • 的对象
  • 或者,作者知道没有有效的insertvertex对象可以与flipstacker函数位于同一地址,因此作者将insertvertex的地址用作魔术值,并且作者的编译器以某种方式从未抱怨过。

  • 无论哪种方式,这都是一种糟糕的做法,并且由于注释掉了魔术分配,既然这种情况看起来基本上是无效代码,所以我建议填写一个错误报告并同时删除它。

    07-26 07:56