python - 将标签添加到按年线图分组的时间序列上-Matplotlib,Python-LMLPHP



def plot_by_year(ts):
# first I group the time series (ts) by year:
 year_group = ts.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq ='A'))
 yearly = pd.DataFrame()
 for year, group in year_group:
     yearly[year.year] = group.values.ravel()

# now to plot it, the easy mode is:
 yearly.plot(figsize = (12,14), legend=True)
 plt.gca().legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, .5));


python - 将标签添加到按年线图分组的时间序列上-Matplotlib,Python-LMLPHP

我在this instructions之后尝试的替代方法是这样的:

   for rank, column in enumerate(years):
       plt.plot(np.arange(0,13), yearly[column].values, lw=2.5)
       y_pos = yearly[column].values[-1] - 0.5
       plt.text(12, y_pos, rank)

这给了我KeyError: 1996,这是我数据的第一年。我已经尝试了很多事情,甚至都不知道自己在做什么。救命!



fig, ax = plt.subplots()  # probably unnecessary tbh but I prefer working with the ax obj rather than plt
n_points = yearly.shape[0]  # generalize out that 12. This is the number of points in your series. If it's months then I guess it's always 12...
for year in yearly:  # get the column names straight off the dataframe
    ax.plot(np.arange(n_points), yearly[year].values, lw=2.5)
    y_pos = yearly[year].values[-1] - 0.5
    ax.text(n_points, y_pos, year) # You wanted to label it with the column name, not the column index which is what rank would have given you

关于python - 将标签添加到按年线图分组的时间序列上-Matplotlib,Python,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58437089/

10-12 20:25