
namespace GenericCollectionTest
    public class GenericCollectionTest
        interface IValidator<T>
            bool Validate(T item);

        class TestObject
            public int TestValue { get; set; }

        private Dictionary<Type, IValidator<object>> Validators = new Dictionary<Type, IValidator<object>>();

        class BobsValidator : IValidator<TestObject>
            public bool Validate(TestObject item)
                if (item.TestValue != 1)
                    return false;

        public void Test_That_Validator_Is_Working()
            var Test = new TestObject {TestValue = 1};
            Validators.Add(typeof(BobsValidator), new BobsValidator());




Dictionary<Type, IValidator<?>>

我知道我可以做这样的事情(ala IEnumerable):

interface IValidator
    bool Validate(object item);

interface IValidator<T> : IValidator
    bool Validate(T item);

abstract class ValidatorBase<T> : IValidator<T>
    protected bool Validate(object item)
        return Validate((T)item);

    protected abstract bool Validate(T item);


WhatTheHecktionary<T, IValidator<T>>




interface IValidator<out T>
   bool Validate(T item);


using NUnit.Framework;
namespace GenericCollectionTest
    public class GenericCollectionTest
        //.NET Compiling Error:
        //"Invalid variance: The type parameter 'T' must be contravariantly valid ..."
        interface IValidator<out T>
            //Error: "Parameter must be type-safe. Invalid variance..."
            bool Validate(T item);

        class MyObject
            public int TestValue { get; set; }

        class YourObject
            public int CheckValue { get; set; }

        class MyValidator : IValidator<MyObject>
            public bool Validate(MyObject item)
                return (item).TestValue == 1;

        class YoursValdator : IValidator<YourObject>
            public bool Validate(YourObject item)
                return (item).CheckValue == 1;

        public void Test_That_Validator_Is_Working()
            //.NET compiler tries to prevent the following scenario:

            IValidator<object> someObjectValidator = new MyValidator();
            someObjectValidator.Validate(new YourObject()); // Can't use MyValidator to validate Yourobject

            someObjectValidator = new YoursValdator();
            someObjectValidator.Validate(new MyObject()); // Can't use YoursValidator to validate MyObject



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace GenericCollectionTest
    public class GenericCollectionTest

        interface IValiadtor
            bool Validate(object item);

        abstract class ValidatorBase<T> : IValidator<T>
            public bool Validate(object item)
                return Validate((T)item);

            public abstract bool Validate(T item);

        interface IValidator<T> : IValiadtor
            //Error: "Parameter must be type-safe. Invalid variance..."
            bool Validate(T item);

        class MyObject
            public int TestValue { get; set; }

        class YourObject
            public int CheckValue { get; set; }

        class MyValidator : ValidatorBase<MyObject>
            public override bool Validate(MyObject item)
                return (item).TestValue == 1;

        class YoursValdator : ValidatorBase<YourObject>
            public override bool Validate(YourObject item)
                return (item).CheckValue == 1;

        public void Test_That_Validator_Is_Working()
            Dictionary<Type, IValiadtor> Validators = new Dictionary<Type, IValiadtor>();
            Validators.Add(typeof(MyObject), new MyValidator() );
            Validators.Add(typeof(YourObject), new YoursValdator());

            var someObject = new MyObject();
            someObject.TestValue = 1;


07-26 06:26