



  1 package com.cy.java8;
  3 import java.util.function.Function;
  4 import java.util.stream.LongStream;
  5 import java.util.stream.Stream;
  7 public class ParallelProcessing {
  9     public static void main(String[] args) {
 10         //查看计算机核心线程数
 11         //System.out.println(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
 13         long fastest1 = measureSumPerformance(ParallelProcessing::normalAdd, 10000000);
 14         System.out.println("normalAdd the best processing time : " + fastest1 + " ms");
 16         long fastest2 = measureSumPerformance(ParallelProcessing::iterateStream, 10000000);
 17         System.out.println("iterateStream the best processing time : " + fastest2 + " ms");
 19         long fastest3 = measureSumPerformance(ParallelProcessing::parallelStream, 10000000);
 20         System.out.println("parallelStream the best processing time : " + fastest3 + " ms");
 22         long fastest4 = measureSumPerformance(ParallelProcessing::parallelStream2, 10000000);
 23         System.out.println("parallelStream2 the best processing time : " + fastest4 + " ms");
 25         long fastest5 = measureSumPerformance(ParallelProcessing::parallelStream3, 10000000);
 26         System.out.println("parallelStream3 the best processing time : " + fastest5 + " ms");
 28     }
 31     /**
 32      * 将下面的求和方法分别计算10次,取10次中运行最短的时间
 33      */
 34     private static long measureSumPerformance(Function<Long, Long> adder, long limit){
 35         long fastest = Long.MAX_VALUE;
 37         for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
 38             long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
 39             long result = adder.apply(limit);
 40             long spendTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
 41             System.out.println("the sum result is " + result);
 42             if(spendTime < fastest){
 43                 fastest = spendTime;
 44             }
 45         }
 46         return fastest;
 47     }
 49     /**
 50      * 计算一串long类型的总和,普通的stream
 51      * @param limit
 52      * @return
 53      */
 54     private static long iterateStream(long limit){
 55         return Stream.iterate(1L, i->i+1).limit(limit).reduce(0L, Long::sum);
 56     }
 58     /**
 59      * 使用Stream.parallel
 60      * 比较慢,为什么?
 61      * Stream.iterate不适合并行计算
 62      */
 63     private static long parallelStream(long limit){
 64         return Stream.iterate(1L, i->i+1).parallel().limit(limit).reduce(0L, Long::sum);
 65     }
 67     /**
 68      * 将上面的Stream先自动拆箱为long,再并行
 69      * 虽然拆箱为LongStream,还是很慢,为什么?
 70      * Stream.iterate不适合并行计算
 71      */
 72     private static long parallelStream2(long limit){
 73         return Stream.iterate(1L, i -> i + 1)
 74                         .mapToLong(Long::longValue)
 75                         .parallel().limit(limit).reduce(0L, Long::sum);
 76     }
 78     /**
 79      * 使用LongStream.range
 80      * 很快,比normalAdd快了近一倍,为什么?
 81      * LongStream、IntStream等..它们的IntStream.range非常卓越的适合并行计算
 82      */
 83     private static long parallelStream3(long limit){
 84         return LongStream.rangeClosed(1, limit).parallel().reduce(0L, Long::sum);
 85     }
 88     /**
 89      * 以前的写法
 90      * @param limit
 91      * @return
 92      */
 93     private static long normalAdd(long limit){
 94         long result = 0L;
 95         for(long i=0L; i <= limit; i++){
 96             result += i;
 97         }
 98         return result;
 99     }
100 }


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the sum result is 50000005000000
normalAdd the best processing time : 3 ms
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the sum result is 50000005000000
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the sum result is 50000005000000
the sum result is 50000005000000
iterateStream the best processing time : 78 ms
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the sum result is 50000005000000
the sum result is 50000005000000
the sum result is 50000005000000
the sum result is 50000005000000
parallelStream the best processing time : 128 ms
the sum result is 50000005000000
the sum result is 50000005000000
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the sum result is 50000005000000
the sum result is 50000005000000
the sum result is 50000005000000
the sum result is 50000005000000
the sum result is 50000005000000
parallelStream2 the best processing time : 178 ms
the sum result is 50000005000000
the sum result is 50000005000000
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the sum result is 50000005000000
the sum result is 50000005000000
the sum result is 50000005000000
the sum result is 50000005000000
the sum result is 50000005000000
the sum result is 50000005000000
the sum result is 50000005000000
parallelStream3 the best processing time : 0 ms



数据源           分解性能
Source          Decomposability
ArrayList          Excellent
LinkedList          Poor
IntStream.range       Excellent
Stream.iterate        Poor
HashSet            Good
TreeSet             Good

二、Fork Join    


01-19 20:56