string remoteUri = "";
            string fileName = "ms-banner.gif", myStringWebResource = null;
            // Create a new WebClient instance.
            WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient();
            // Concatenate the domain with the Web resource filename.
            myStringWebResource = remoteUri + fileName;
            Console.WriteLine("Downloading File \"{0}\" from \"{1}\" .......\n\n", fileName, myStringWebResource);
            // Download the Web resource and save it into the current filesystem folder.
            Console.WriteLine("Successfully Downloaded File \"{0}\" from \"{1}\"", fileName, myStringWebResource);
            Console.WriteLine("\nDownloaded file saved in the following file system folder:\n\t" + Application.StartupPath);

我使用MSDN Web Site中的代码


由于请求未经身份验证,因此发生此错误。为了访问Office/SharePoint Online中的资源,您可以利用SharePointOnlineCredentials class中的SharePoint Server 2013 Client Components SDK(用户凭据流)。

const string username = "[email protected]";
const string password = "password";
const string url = "";
var securedPassword = new SecureString();
foreach (var c in password.ToCharArray()) securedPassword.AppendChar(c);
var credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(username, securedPassword);

DownloadFile(url,credentials,"/Shared Documents/Report.xslx");

private static void DownloadFile(string webUrl, ICredentials credentials, string fileRelativeUrl)
     using(var client = new WebClient())
        client.Credentials = credentials;
        client.DownloadFile(webUrl, fileRelativeUrl);

07-26 05:19