我在pgAdmin 4中创建了一些表,但是由于某种原因,我一直收到错误消息标题,您能找出原因吗?我没有发现任何问题,我已经研究了与我的代码类似的完美编译的示例代码。它也可以在IDEone(http://ideone.com/ZBn2Nr)中运行。


Create table item
    (iname varchar(30) primary key,
    itype varchar(30));

Create table Cafe
    (license numeric(5,0) primary key,
    cname varchar(30),
    address varchar(30));

Create table Client
    (cid numeric(5,0) primary key,
    name varchar(30),
    phone numeric(9,0));

Create table Likes
    (cid numeric(5,0),
    iname varchar(30),
    primary key(cid,iname),
    foreign key(cid) references Client,
    foreign key(iname) references item);

Create table Sells
    (license numeric(5,0),
    iname varchar(30),
    price float check(price > 0),
    primary key(license,iname),
    foreign key(license) references Cafe,
    foreign key(iname) references item);

Create table Receipt
    (cid numeric(5,0),
    rno numeric(5,0),
    license numeric(5,0),
    rdate date,
    primary key(cid,rno),
    foreign key(cid) references Client,
    foreign key(license) references Cafe);

Create table Buys
    (cid numeric(5,0),
    rno numeric(5,0),
    iname varchar(30),
    amount int check(amount > 0),
    primary key(cid,rno,iname),
    foreign key(cid) references Client,
    foreign key(rno) references Receipt,
    foreign key(iname) references item);




foreign key(rno) references Receipt

foreign key(rno) references Receipt(cid,rno)


关于sql - 在PostgreSQL中获取 “number of referencing and referenced columns for foreign key disagree”,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45346269/

10-08 22:04