从ToolTwist 8.1升级到ToolTwist 8.5时遇到了一个奇怪的错误。
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tooltwist Startup Commencing <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>> This is tooltwist.misc.LoadConfigsServlet.
>>>>>> Obtaining env-entry for TOOLTWIST_HOME from JNDI (e.g. web.xml)
>>>>>> * Found /projects/8.5/curia/site-conf
>>>>>> Will reconfigure logback if config file found
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (com.amazonaws.jmx.MBeans).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more info.
>>>>>> * Looking for (local file: /projects/8.5/curia/site-conf/conf/logback.xml)
>>>>>> * Found - reconfiguring logback.
>>>>>> Loading filemap if it's not already loaded
>>>>>> * Filemap loaded.
>>>>>> Will log test messages immediately after the next line (debug, info, trace, warn, and error)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tooltwist Startup Finished <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
2015-05-25 12:07:12,073 DEBUG t.m.LoadConfigsServlet - test debug message.
2015-05-25 12:07:12,076 INFO t.m.LoadConfigsServlet - test info message.
2015-05-25 12:07:12,077 WARN t.m.LoadConfigsServlet - test warn message.
2015-05-25 12:07:12,077 ERROR t.m.LoadConfigsServlet - test error message.
2015-05-25 12:07:12,078 DEBUG t.c.s.CloudmallInitServlet - >>>>>> * Found /projects/8.5/curia/site-conf
2015-05-25 12:07:12,078 DEBUG t.c.s.CloudmallInitServlet - >>>>>> Getting the access token from TEA.
2015-05-25 12:07:12,319 DEBUG t.w.WbdCache - Loading webdesign projects from: /projects/8.5/curia/webdesign/
2015-05-25 12:07:12,320 INFO t.w.WbdCache - Adding webdesign project noah-webdesign
2015-05-25 12:07:12,324 INFO t.w.WbdCache - Loading extension projects from: /projects/8.5/curia/
2015-05-25 12:07:12,324 INFO t.w.WbdCache - Adding extension project bootstrap-tooltwist
2015-05-25 12:07:12,324 INFO t.w.WbdCache - Adding extension project cloudmall
2015-05-25 12:07:12,325 DEBUG t.w.WbdCache - Ignoring project (contains no directory named 'widgets'): /projects/8.5/curia/config_plugin
2015-05-25 12:07:12,325 DEBUG t.w.WbdCache - Ignoring project (contains no directory named 'widgets'): /projects/8.5/curia/deployed-server
2015-05-25 12:07:12,325 DEBUG t.w.WbdCache - Ignoring project (contains no directory named 'widgets'): /projects/8.5/curia/RemoteSystemsTempFiles
2015-05-25 12:07:12,325 DEBUG t.w.WbdCache - Ignoring project (contains no directory named 'widgets'): /projects/8.5/curia/Servers
2015-05-25 12:07:12,325 DEBUG t.w.WbdCache - Ignoring project (contains no directory named 'widgets'): /projects/8.5/curia/site-conf
2015-05-25 12:07:12,325 INFO t.w.WbdCache - Adding extension project tooltwist
2015-05-25 12:07:12,325 INFO t.w.WbdCache - Adding extension project ttsec-standaloneDesigner
2015-05-25 12:07:12,325 INFO t.w.WbdCache - Adding extension project ttStd
2015-05-25 12:07:12,325 DEBUG t.w.WbdCache - Ignoring project (contains no directory named 'widgets'): /projects/8.5/curia/ttsvr
2015-05-25 12:07:12,325 INFO t.w.WbdCache - Adding extension project ttWbd
2015-05-25 12:07:12,325 DEBUG t.w.WbdCache - Ignoring project (contains no directory named 'widgets'): /projects/8.5/curia/webdesign
2015-05-25 12:07:12,328 INFO t.w.WbdCache - Registering interceptor: interceptor.multiTenantByUrl.xml
2015-05-25 12:07:12,343 INFO t.w.WbdCache - Registering interceptor: interceptor.multitenant.xml
2015-05-25 12:07:12,343 INFO t.w.WbdCache - Registering interceptor: interceptor.navpoint.xml
2015-05-25 12:07:12,362 INFO t.w.WbdCache - Initializing interceptor (class=tooltwist.cloudmall.interceptors.NavpointInterceptor)
2015-05-25 12:07:12,362 DEBUG t.c.i.NavpointInterceptor - init() start...
2015-05-25 12:07:12,363 INFO t.w.WbdCache - - interceptor registered.
2015-05-25 12:07:13,559 DEBUG t.c.x.BaseXDS - =====> GetAccessTokenXDS - START
2015-05-25 12:07:13,705 DEBUG t.c.x.BaseXDS - =====> GetAccessTokenXDS - END | 147ms
2015-05-25 12:07:13,709 DEBUG t.c.b.c.ConverterHelper - Parsing: to integer.
2015-05-25 12:07:13,714 DEBUG t.c.s.CloudmallInitServlet - >>>>>> Setting the access token to redis.
2015-05-25 12:07:13,715 DEBUG t.c.b.ProjectToken - setAccessTokenToRedis() start...
2015-05-25 12:07:13,716 DEBUG t.c.x.BaseXDS - =====> SetAccessTokenToRedisXDS - START
2015-05-25 12:07:13,721 DEBUG t.c.x.BaseXDS - =====> SetAccessTokenToRedisXDS - END | 5ms
2015-05-25 12:07:13,721 DEBUG t.c.s.CloudmallInitServlet - >>>>>> Setting the hostname for server environment
2015-05-25 12:07:13,727 DEBUG t.c.s.CloudmallInitServlet - >>>>>> Setting the category to redis.
2015-05-25 12:07:13,734 DEBUG t.c.x.BaseXDS - =====> GetAccessTokenFromRedisXDS - START
2015-05-25 12:07:13,738 DEBUG t.c.x.BaseXDS - =====> GetAccessTokenFromRedisXDS - END | 4ms
2015-05-25 12:07:13,745 DEBUG t.c.x.BaseXDS - =====> SetMenuCategoryListXDS - START
2015-05-25 12:07:13,796 DEBUG t.c.x.BaseXDS - =====> SetMenuCategoryListXDS - END | 51ms
2015-05-25 12:07:13,796 DEBUG t.c.s.CloudmallInitServlet - >>>>>> Setting the catalogue to redis.
2015-05-25 12:07:13,801 DEBUG t.c.x.BaseXDS - =====> SetMenuCatalogueListXDS - START
2015-05-25 12:07:13,808 DEBUG t.c.x.BaseXDS - =====> SetMenuCatalogueListXDS - END | 7ms
2015-05-25 12:07:13,809 DEBUG t.c.s.CloudmallInitServlet - >>>>>> Setting the tenant to redis.
2015-05-25 12:07:13,810 DEBUG t.c.b.TenantMisc - setTenantToRedis() start...
2015-05-25 12:07:13,811 DEBUG t.c.x.BaseXDS - =====> SetTenantToRedisXDS - START
2015-05-25 12:07:13,817 DEBUG t.c.x.BaseXDS - =====> SetTenantToRedisXDS - END | 6ms
May 25, 2015 12:07:13 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext reload
INFO: Reloading Context with name [/ttsvr] is completed
May 25, 2015 12:07:23 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader modified
INFO: Additional JARs have been added
May 25, 2015 12:07:23 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext reload
INFO: Reloading Context with name [/ttsvr] has started
May 25, 2015 12:07:23 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearReferencesThreads
SEVERE: The web application [/ttsvr] appears to have started a thread named [java-sdk-http-connection-reaper] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak.