我一直在尝试在 retryWhen 上测试 RxSwift 运算符,但遇到了 Reentrancy Anomaly 问题,代码如下:

Observable<Int>.create { observer in
    return Disposables.create()
    .retryWhen { error in
        return error.enumerated().flatMap { (index, error) -> Observable<Int> in
        let maxRetry = 1
        print("index: \(index)")
        return index < maxRetry ? Observable.timer(1, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance) : Observable.error(RequestError.tooMany)
    .subscribe(onNext: { value in
        print("This: \(value)")
    }, onError: { error in
        print("ERRRRRRR: \(error)")
    .disposed(by: disposeBag)

This: 1
This: 2
This: 3
This: 4
index: 0
This: 1
This: 2
This: 3
This: 4
index: 1
⚠️ Reentrancy anomaly was detected.
  > Debugging: To debug this issue you can set a breakpoint in /Users/tony.lin/Documents/Snippet/MaterialiseTest/Pods/RxSwift/RxSwift/Rx.swift:97 and observe the call stack.
  > Problem: This behavior is breaking the observable sequence grammar. `next (error | completed)?`
    This behavior breaks the grammar because there is overlapping between sequence events.
    Observable sequence is trying to send an event before sending of previous event has finished.
  > Interpretation: This could mean that there is some kind of unexpected cyclic dependency in your code,
    or that the system is not behaving in the expected way.
  > Remedy: If this is the expected behavior this message can be suppressed by adding `.observeOn(MainScheduler.asyncInstance)`
    or by enqueing sequence events in some other way.

⚠️ Reentrancy anomaly was detected.
  > Debugging: To debug this issue you can set a breakpoint in /Users/tony.lin/Documents/Snippet/MaterialiseTest/Pods/RxSwift/RxSwift/Rx.swift:97 and observe the call stack.
  > Problem: This behavior is breaking the observable sequence grammar. `next (error | completed)?`
    This behavior breaks the grammar because there is overlapping between sequence events.
    Observable sequence is trying to send an event before sending of previous event has finished.
  > Interpretation: This could mean that there is some kind of unexpected cyclic dependency in your code,
    or that the system is not behaving in the expected way.
  > Remedy: If this is the expected behavior this message can be suppressed by adding `.observeOn(MainScheduler.asyncInstance)`
    or by enqueing sequence events in some other way.




正如控制台注释所解释的那样,可以使用 .observeOn(MainScheduler.asyncInstance) 抑制此警告,如下所示:

Observable<Int>.from([1, 2, 3, 4]).concat(Observable.error(RequestError.dataError))
    .observeOn(MainScheduler.asyncInstance) // this is the magic that makes it work.
    .retryWhen { error in
        return error.enumerated().flatMap { (index, error) -> Observable<Int> in
            let maxRetry = 1
            print("Index:", index)
            guard index < maxRetry else { throw RequestError.tooMany }
            return Observable.timer(1, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
    .subscribe(onNext: { value in
        print("This: \(value)")
    }, onError: { error in
        print("ERRRRRRR: \(error)")



您要求解释 (a) 为什么添加 ObserveOn 有效以及 (b) 为什么需要它。
.observeOn(MainScheduler.asyncInstance) 所做的是将请求路由到事件可以完成的备用线程,然后在主线程上再次发出事件。换句话说,就像这样做:
backgroundScheduler 定义如下:
let backgroundScheduler = SerialDispatchQueueScheduler(qos: .default)


至于为什么需要它,我不能说。您可能在库中发现了一个错误,因为在没有observeOn 的情况下使用 1 秒延迟可以正常工作。

关于ios - RxSwift RetryWhen 导致重入异常,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54859977/

10-12 14:35