这是用于游戏引擎中的内存管理器的。我已经实现了freelist,并且如果有这些,我想拥有一个编译时列表。 (例如,MPL或Fusion载体)。 freelist对应于分配大小,当分配/取消分配大小小于常量的对象时,它们将转到相应的freelist
最后,这意味着全局上的小对象将摊销固定时间分配和固定时间释放。 (耶。)

template <size_t N>
struct data_block
    size_t mSize; // = N
    char mData[N];

template <typename T, size_t ElementsPerPage,
    template <typename> class Allocator = std::allocator >
class freelist { /* ... */ };

template <typename T>
class callocator; // allocator that uses malloc/free
static const size_t MinimumSmallSize = 4; // anything smaller gets rounded up
static const size_t MaximumSmallSize = 512; // anything bigger goes to the large allocator
static const size_t ElementsPerPage = 4096;

// mpl magic
typedef boost::mpl::vector<
    freelist<data_block<4>, ElementsPerPage, callocator>,
    freelist<data_block<8>, ElementsPerPage, callocator>
    // ...
    freelist<data_block<256>, ElementsPerPage, callocator>
    freelist<data_block<512>, ElementsPerPage, callocator>
    > free_list_collection;
显然,我可以手动执行此操作,但我希望避免使用它,以便使用更通用且可调整的界面。在代码中使用Fusion vector 也应该比硬编码成员更简单。
我不确定执行此操作的最佳方法。我以前从未广泛使用过MPL。有任何想法吗?我有一些差劲的想法,例如创建范围,然后remove_if不是2的幂,等等,但是肯定不是最好的。也许是递归的东西,每次翻倍,插入我的结果 vector 中?我不确定该怎么做。



#include <boost/mpl/for_each.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/range_c.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/transform.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
#include <iostream>

namespace bmpl = boost::mpl;

//// helpers
template <size_t N, size_t Base>
struct log
    static const size_t value = 1 + log<N / Base, Base>::value;

template <size_t Base>
struct log<1, Base>
    static const size_t value = 0;

template <size_t Base>
struct log<0, Base>
    static const size_t value = 0;

template <size_t N, size_t Power>
struct pow
    static const size_t value = N * pow<N, Power - 1>::value;

template <size_t N>
struct pow<N, 0>
    static const size_t value = 1;

//// types and constants
template <size_t N>
struct data_block
    size_t mSize; // = N
    char mData[N];

template <typename T, size_t ElementsPerPage,
    template <typename> class Allocator = std::allocator >
class freelist { /* ... */ };

template <typename T>
class callocator; // allocator that uses malloc/free

static const size_t MinimumSmallSize = 4;
static const size_t MaximumSmallSize = 512;
static const size_t ElementsPerPage = 4096;

//// type generation
// turn a power into a freelist
template <typename T>
struct make_freelist
    static const size_t DataSize = pow<2, T::value>::value;
    typedef data_block<DataSize> data_type;

    typedef freelist<data_type, ElementsPerPage, callocator> type;

// list of powers
typedef bmpl::range_c<size_t, log<MinimumSmallSize, 2>::value,
                        log<MaximumSmallSize, 2>::value + 1> size_range_powers;

// transform that list into freelists, into a vector
typedef bmpl::transform<size_range_powers, make_freelist<bmpl::_1>,
                            bmpl::back_inserter<bmpl::vector<> > >::type size_range;

//// testing
struct print_type
    template <typename T>
    void operator()(const T&) const
        std::cout << typeid(T).name() << "\n";

int main(void)
    std::cout << std::endl;



09-07 08:01