

  • 是否有更好的程序包允许这样做?
  • 如果1 ==否:是否有其他更适合的软件?
  • 如果1&2 ==否:我猜最后一个选择是Grid rectanglesbezier curved arrows,有什么想法可以快速地将其付诸实践?
  • 最佳答案


  • 贝塞尔曲线的箭头不沿线,而是直接指向框,而不是以一定 Angular 进入。
  • 我不知道贝塞尔曲线的不错的渐变选项,通常似乎几乎不支持R中的渐变(我读过的大多数解决方案都是关于多重线的)

  • 解决它




    #' A transition plot
    #' This plot purpose is to illustrate how states change before and
    #' after. In my research I use it before surgery and after surgery
    #' but it can be used in any situation where you have a change from
    #' one state to another
    #' @param transition_flow This should be a matrix with the size of the transitions.
    #'  The unit for each cell should be number of observations, row/column-proportions
    #'  will show incorrect sizes. The matrix needs to be square. The best way to generate
    #'  this matrix is probably just do a \code{table(starting_state, end_state)}. The rows
    #'  represent the starting positions, while the columns the end positions. I.e. the first
    #'  rows third column is the number of observations that go from the first class to the
    #'  third class.
    #' @param box_txt The text to appear inside of the boxes. If you need line breaks
    #'  then you need to manually add a \\n inside the string.
    #' @param tot_spacing The proportion of the vertical space that is to be left
    #'  empty. It is then split evenly between the boxes.
    #' @param box_width The width of the box. By default the box is one fourth of
    #'  the plot width.
    #' @param fill_start_box The fill color of the start boxes. This can either
    #'  be a single value ore a vector if you desire different colors for each
    #'  box.
    #' @param txt_start_clr The text color of the start boxes. This can either
    #'  be a single value ore a vector if you desire different colors for each
    #'  box.
    #' @param fill_end_box The fill color of the end boxes. This can either
    #'  be a single value ore a vector if you desire different colors for each
    #'  box.
    #' @param txt_end_clr The text color of the end boxes. This can either
    #'  be a single value ore a vector if you desire different colors for each
    #'  box.
    #' @param pt The point size of the text
    #' @param min_lwd The minimum width of the line that we want to illustrate the
    #'  tranisition with.
    #' @param max_lwd The maximum width of the line that we want to illustrate the
    #'  tranisition with.
    #' @param lwd_prop_total The width of the lines may be proportional to either the
    #'  other flows from that box, or they may be related to all flows. This is a boolean
    #'  parameter that is set to true by default, i.e. relating to all flows.
    #' @return void
    #' @example examples/transitionPlot_example.R
    #' @author max
    #' @import grid
    #' @export
    transitionPlot <- function (transition_flow,
                                box_txt = rownames(transition_flow),
                                tot_spacing = 0.2,
                                box_width = 1/4,
                                fill_start_box = "darkgreen",
                                txt_start_clr = "white",
                                fill_end_box = "steelblue",
                                txt_end_clr = "white",
                                min_lwd = 1,
                                max_lwd = 6,
                                lwd_prop_total = TRUE) {
      # Just for convenience
      no_boxes <- nrow(transition_flow)
      # Do some sanity checking of the variables
      if (tot_spacing < 0 ||
            tot_spacing > 1)
        stop("Total spacing, the tot_spacing param,",
          " must be a fraction between 0-1,",
          " you provided ", tot_spacing)
      if (box_width < 0 ||
            box_width > 1)
        stop("Box width, the box_width param,",
          " must be a fraction between 0-1,",
          " you provided ", box_width)
      # If the text element is a vector then that means that
      # the names are the same prior and after
      if (is.null(box_txt))
        box_txt = matrix("", ncol=2, nrow=no_boxes)
      if (is.null(dim(box_txt)) && is.vector(box_txt))
        if (length(box_txt) != no_boxes)
          stop("You have an invalid length of text description, the box_txt param,",
              " it should have the same length as the boxes, ", no_boxes, ",",
              " but you provided a length of ", length(box_txt))
          box_txt <- cbind(box_txt, box_txt)
      else if (nrow(box_txt) != no_boxes ||
            ncol(box_txt) != 2)
        stop("Your box text matrix doesn't have the right dimension, ",
             no_boxes, " x 2, it has: ",
             paste(dim(box_txt), collapse=" x "))
      # Make sure that the clrs correspond to the number of boxes
      fill_start_box <- rep(fill_start_box, length.out=no_boxes)
      txt_start_clr <- rep(txt_start_clr, length.out=no_boxes)
      fill_end_box <- rep(fill_end_box, length.out=no_boxes)
      txt_end_clr <- rep(txt_end_clr, length.out=no_boxes)
      if(nrow(transition_flow) != ncol(transition_flow))
        stop("Invalid input array, the matrix is not square but ",
          nrow(transition_flow), " x ", ncol(transition_flow))
      # Set the proportion of the start/end sizes of the boxes
      prop_start_sizes <- rowSums(transition_flow)/sum(transition_flow)
      prop_end_sizes <- colSums(transition_flow)/sum(transition_flow)
      if (sum(prop_end_sizes) == 0)
        stop("You can't have all empty boxes after the transition")
      getBoxPositions <- function (no, side){
        empty_boxes <- ifelse(side == "left",
        # Calculate basics
        space <- tot_spacing/(no_boxes-1-empty_boxes)
        # Do the y-axis
        ret <- list(height=(1-tot_spacing)*ifelse(side == "left",
        if (no == 1){
          ret$top <- 1
          ret$top <- 1 -
            ifelse(side == "left",
                   sum(prop_end_sizes[1:(no-1)])) * (1-tot_spacing) -
        ret$bottom <- ret$top - ret$height
        ret$y <- mean(c(ret$top, ret$bottom))
        ret$y_exit <- rep(ret$y, times=no_boxes)
        ret$y_entry_height <- ret$height/3
        ret$y_entry <- seq(to=ret$y-ret$height/6,
        # Now the x-axis
        if (side == "right"){
          ret$left <- 1-box_width
          ret$right <- 1
          ret$left <- 0
          ret$right <- box_width
        txt_margin <- box_width/10
        ret$txt_height <- ret$height - txt_margin*2
        ret$txt_width <- box_width - txt_margin*2
        ret$x <- mean(c(ret$left, ret$right))
      plotBoxes <- function (no_boxes, width, txt,
        fill_start_clr, fill_end_clr,
        lwd=2, line_col="#000000") {
        plotBox <- function(bx, bx_txt, fill){
          grid.roundrect(y=bx$y, x=bx$x,
            height=bx$height, width=width,
            gp = gpar(lwd=lwd, fill=fill, col=line_col))
          if (bx_txt != ""){
            grid.text(bx_txt,y=bx$y, x=bx$x,
              gp=gpar(col=txt_start_clr, fontsize=pt))
        for(i in 1:no_boxes){
          if (prop_start_sizes[i] > 0){
            bx_left <- getBoxPositions(i, "left")
            plotBox(bx=bx_left, bx_txt = txt[i, 1], fill=fill_start_clr[i])
          if (prop_end_sizes[i] > 0){
            bx_right <- getBoxPositions(i, "right")
            plotBox(bx=bx_right, bx_txt = txt[i, 2], fill=fill_end_clr[i])
      # Do the plot
      vp1 <- viewport(x = 0.51, y = 0.49, height=.95, width=.95)
      shadow_clr <- rep(grey(.8), length.out=no_boxes)
                txt = matrix("", nrow=no_boxes, ncol=2), # Don't print anything in the shadow boxes
                fill_start_clr = shadow_clr,
                fill_end_clr  = shadow_clr,
      vp1 <- viewport(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, height=.95, width=.95)
      plotBoxes(no_boxes, box_width,
                txt = box_txt,
                fill_start_clr = fill_start_box,
                fill_end_clr  = fill_end_box)
      for (i in 1:no_boxes){
        bx_left <- getBoxPositions(i, "left")
        for (flow in 1:no_boxes){
          if (transition_flow[i,flow] > 0){
            bx_right <- getBoxPositions(flow, "right")
            a_l <- (box_width/4)
            a_angle <- atan(bx_right$y_entry_height/(no_boxes+.5)/2/a_l)*180/pi
            if (lwd_prop_total)
              lwd <- min_lwd + (max_lwd-min_lwd)*transition_flow[i,flow]/max(transition_flow)
              lwd <- min_lwd + (max_lwd-min_lwd)*transition_flow[i,flow]/max(transition_flow[i,])
            # Need to adjust the end of the arrow as it otherwise overwrites part of the box
            # if it is thick
            right <- bx_right$left-.00075*lwd
            grid.bezier(x=c(bx_left$right, .5, .5, right),
                        y=c(bx_left$y_exit[flow], bx_left$y_exit[flow],
                            bx_right$y_entry[i], bx_right$y_entry[i]),
                        gp=gpar(lwd=lwd, fill="black"),
                        arrow=arrow(type="closed", angle=a_angle, length=unit(a_l, "npc")))
            # TODO: A better option is probably bezierPoints

    # Settings
    no_boxes <- 3
    # Generate test setting
    transition_matrix <- matrix(NA, nrow=no_boxes, ncol=no_boxes)
    transition_matrix[1,] <- 200*c(.5, .25, .25)
    transition_matrix[2,] <- 540*c(.75, .10, .15)
    transition_matrix[3,] <- 340*c(0, .2, .80)
      box_txt = c("First", "Second", "Third"))


    10-08 15:46