
public interface Command<R>
    public R execute();//parameter R is the type of object that will be returned as the result of the execution of this command

public abstract class BasicCommand<R> implements Command<R>

public interface CommandProcessor<C extends Command<?>>
    public <R> R process(C<R> command);//this is my question... it's illegal to do, but you understand the idea behind it, right?

//constrain BasicCommandProcessor to commands that subclass BasicCommand
public class BasicCommandProcessor<C extends BasicCommand<?>> implements CommandProcessor<C>
    //here, only subclasses of BasicCommand should be allowed as arguments but these
    //BasicCommand object should be parameterized by R, like so: BasicCommand<R>
    //so the method signature should really be
    //    public <R> R process(BasicCommand<R> command)
    //which would break the inheritance if the interface's method signature was instead:
    //    public <R> R process(Command<R> command);
    //I really hope this fully illustrates my conundrum
    public <R> R process(C<R> command)
        return command.execute();

public class CommandContext
    public static void main(String... args)
        BasicCommandProcessor<BasicCommand<?>> bcp = new BasicCommandProcessor<BasicCommand<?>>();
        String textResult = bcp.execute(new BasicCommand<String>()
            public String execute()
                return "result";
        Long numericResult = bcp.execute(new BasicCommand<Long>()
            public Long execute()
                return 123L;






public interface Command<R>
    public R execute();//parameter R is the type of object that will be returned as the result of the execution of this command

public abstract class BasicCommand<R> implements Command<R>

public interface CommandProcessor
    public <R> R process(Command<R> command);

public class BasicCommandProcessor implements CommandProcessor
    public <R> R processBasicCommand(BasicCommand<R> command)
       return command.execute();

    public <R> R process(Command<R> command)
       return processBasicCommand((BasicCommand<R>)command);

最简单的方法是提供一种接受所需特定类型的方法,并在通用方法中进行调用。 (请参阅上面的BasicCommandProcessor。)

07-26 03:20