我想写一个小游戏,用W,A,S,D键在JavaFX Panel上移动一个球。



JavaRanch Forum post


import javafx.animation.AnimationTimer;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.scene.*;
import javafx.scene.image.*;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

 * Hold down an arrow key to have your hero move around the screen.
 * Hold down the shift key to have the hero run.
public class Runner extends Application {

    private static final double W = 600, H = 400;

    private static final String HERO_IMAGE_LOC =

    private Image heroImage;
    private Node  hero;

    boolean running, goNorth, goSouth, goEast, goWest;

    public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
        heroImage = new Image(HERO_IMAGE_LOC);
        hero = new ImageView(heroImage);

        Group dungeon = new Group(hero);

        moveHeroTo(W / 2, H / 2);

        Scene scene = new Scene(dungeon, W, H, Color.FORESTGREEN);

        scene.setOnKeyPressed(new EventHandler<KeyEvent>() {
            public void handle(KeyEvent event) {
                switch (event.getCode()) {
                    case UP:    goNorth = true; break;
                    case DOWN:  goSouth = true; break;
                    case LEFT:  goWest  = true; break;
                    case RIGHT: goEast  = true; break;
                    case SHIFT: running = true; break;

        scene.setOnKeyReleased(new EventHandler<KeyEvent>() {
            public void handle(KeyEvent event) {
                switch (event.getCode()) {
                    case UP:    goNorth = false; break;
                    case DOWN:  goSouth = false; break;
                    case LEFT:  goWest  = false; break;
                    case RIGHT: goEast  = false; break;
                    case SHIFT: running = false; break;


        AnimationTimer timer = new AnimationTimer() {
            public void handle(long now) {
                int dx = 0, dy = 0;

                if (goNorth) dy -= 1;
                if (goSouth) dy += 1;
                if (goEast)  dx += 1;
                if (goWest)  dx -= 1;
                if (running) { dx *= 3; dy *= 3; }

                moveHeroBy(dx, dy);

    private void moveHeroBy(int dx, int dy) {
        if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) return;

        final double cx = hero.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth()  / 2;
        final double cy = hero.getBoundsInLocal().getHeight() / 2;

        double x = cx + hero.getLayoutX() + dx;
        double y = cy + hero.getLayoutY() + dy;

        moveHeroTo(x, y);

    private void moveHeroTo(double x, double y) {
        final double cx = hero.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth()  / 2;
        final double cy = hero.getBoundsInLocal().getHeight() / 2;

        if (x - cx >= 0 &&
            x + cx <= W &&
            y - cy >= 0 &&
            y + cy <= H) {
            hero.relocate(x - cx, y - cy);

    public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); }

10-07 20:31