Search by repository name, description, or contents of the README file
Search based on the contents of a repository
in:readme | octocat in:readme matches repositories mentioning "octocat" in their README file. |
Search within a user's or organization's repositories
Search by repository size
size:*n* | size:1000 matches repositories that are 1 MB exactly. |
| size:>=30000 matches repositories that are at least 30 MB. |
| size:<50 matches repositories that are smaller than 50 KB. |
| size:50..120 matches repositories that are between 50 KB and 120 KB. |
Search by number of followers
Search by number of forks
forks:*n* | forks:5 matches repositories with only five forks. |
| forks:>=205 matches repositories with at least 205 forks. |
| forks:<90 matches repositories with fewer than 90 forks. |
| forks:10..20 matches repositories with 10 to 20 forks. |
Search by number of stars
stars:*n* | stars:500 matches repositories with exactly 500 stars. |
| stars:10..20 matches repositories 10 to 20 stars, that are smaller than 1000 KB. |
| stars:>=500 fork:true language:php matches repositories with the at least 500 stars, including forked ones, that are written in PHP. |
Search by when a repository was created or last updated
Search by language
Search by topic
topic:*TOPIC* | topic:jekyll matches repositories that have been classified with the topic "jekyll." |
Search by number of topics
topics:*n* | topics:5 matches repositories that have five topics. |
| topics:>3 matches repositories that have more than three topics. |
Search by license
license:*LICENSE_KEYWORD* | license:apache-2.0 matches repositories that are licensed under Apache License 2.0. |
Search by public or private repository
is:public | is:public org:github matches repositories owned by GitHub that are public. |
is:private | is:private pages matches private repositories you have access to and that contain the word "pages." |
Search based on whether a repository is a mirror
mirror:true | mirror:true GNOME matches repositories that are mirrors and contain the word "GNOME." |
mirror:false | mirror:false GNOME matches repositories that are not mirrors and contain the word "GNOME." |
Search based on whether a repository is archived
archived:true | archived:true GNOME matches repositories that are archived and contain the word "GNOME." |
archived:false | archived:false GNOME matches repositories that are not archived and contain the word "GNOME." |
Search based on number of issues with good first issue or help wanted labels
good-first-issues:>n | good-first-issues:>2 javascript matches repositories with more than two issues labeled good-first-issue and that contain the word "javascript." |
help-wanted-issues:>n | help-wanted-issues:>4 react matches repositories with more than four issues labeled help-wanted and that contain the word "React." |