
abstract class Price[A] {
  def price(a: Any): Int

trait Car
case class Prius(year: Int) extends Car
trait Food
case class FriedChicken() extends Food

object Def {
  implicit def carToPrice[A <: Car](car: A): Price[A] = new Price[A] {
    def price(car: Any) = 100

  implicit def foodToPrice[A <: Food](food: A): Price[A] = new Price[A] {
    def price(food: Any) = 5

  // implicit object PriusPrices extends Price[Prius] {
  //   def price(car: Any) = 100
  // }
  // implicit object FriedChickenPrices extends Price[FriedChicken] {
  //   def price(food: Any) = 5
  // }

import Def._

def add [A, B >: A](stuff: A, list: List[(B, Price[_])])(implicit p: Price[A]) = (stuff, p) :: list
val stuff = add(Prius(2000), add(FriedChicken(), Nil))
stuff map { x => x._2.price(x._1) }

error: could not find implicit value for parameter p: Price[FriedChicken]
       val stuff = add(Prius(2000), add(FriedChicken(), Nil))



正如@extempore所指出的,问题在于我混淆了隐式转换( View 边界)和上下文边界(两者都使用了隐式参数)。我的通用隐式转换器没有任何问题。问题在于add使用上下文边界而不是 View 。因此,我们可以将其修复如下:
def add [A, B >: A](stuff: A, list: List[(B, Price[_])])(implicit view: A => Price[A]) = (stuff, view(stuff)) :: list

abstract class Price[-A] {
  def price(a: Any): Int

implicit object CarPrice extends Price[Car] {
  def price(a: Any) = 100

implicit object FoodPrice extends Price[Food] {
  def price(a: Any) = 1

  • [scala] Generic implicit converters?
  • 最佳答案


    object Test {
      type Price = Int
      abstract class Pricable[-A] {
        def price(a: A): Price
      trait Car
      case class Prius(year: Int) extends Car
      trait Food
      case class FriedChicken() extends Food
      implicit val CarPricingGun = new Pricable[Car] {
        def price(a: Car): Price = 100
      implicit val FoodPricingGun = new Pricable[Food] {
        def price(a: Food): Price = 1
      implicit def priceableItemToPrice[A: Pricable](x: A) =
        implicitly[Pricable[A]] price x
      def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
        val x1 = Prius(2000)
        val x2 = FriedChicken()
        println("Price of " + x1 + " is " + (x1: Price))
        println("Price of " + x2 + " is " + (x2: Price))
    // Output is:
    // Price of Prius(2000) is 100
    // Price of FriedChicken() is 1

    关于Scala:通用隐式转换器?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3843543/

    10-16 01:21