这是一个代码(由于@omgitsgod),它基于slides array
查找refer array
var slides = [
{ id: 1, performance: 20, guided_phrases: ["I was sent", "I don't know", "to earth"] },
{ id: 2, performance: 30, guided_phrases: ["to earth"] },
{ id: 3, performance: 40, guided_phrases: ["to protect you"] },
{ id: 4, performance: 10, guided_phrases: ["I was sent"] },
{ id: 5, performance: 5, guided_phrases: ["I was sent"] }
let refer = ["I was sent", "to earth", "to protect you"]; // we want to check which slide id contain each refer array strings
let bypass_slide = 4; // I want to bypass this silde id
slides.splice(bypass_slide - 1, 1); // so I just remove the bypass_slide from slides array
let id = [];
/* we just go through each string in refer array and make calculations to find the slides with the lowest performance which includes each of refer array elements*/
for(let i = 0; i < refer.length; i++){
id.push(slides.filter(x => x.performance === Math.min(...slides.filter(slide => slide.guided_phrases.includes(refer[i])).map(x => x.performance)))[0].id)
如您所见,我想忽略并绕过幻灯片ID 4,因此我只是删除了
的幻灯片ID,并对新的slides array
进行了计算,我确信这不是最好的方法。我想知道是否存在通过在此过滤器方法中进行一些修改来绕过幻灯片ID 4的解决方案:
slides.filter(x => x.performance === Math.min(...slides.filter(slide => slide.guided_phrases.includes(refer[i])).map(x => x.performance)))[0].id
var slides = [{ id: 1, performance: 20, guided_phrases: ["I was sent", "I don't know", "to earth"] }, { id: 2, performance: 30, guided_phrases: ["to earth"] }, { id: 3, performance: 40, guided_phrases: ["to protect you"] }, { id: 4, performance: 10, guided_phrases: ["I was sent"] }, { id: 5, performance: 5, guided_phrases: ["I was sent"] }],
bypass = [4],
map = slides.reduce((m, o) => {
if (bypass.includes(o.id)) return m;
o.guided_phrases.forEach(p => {
if (!m.has(p) || m.get(p).performance > o.performance) m.set(p, o);
return m;
}, new Map),
refer = ["I was sent", "to earth", "to protect you", "or not"],
result = refer.map(k => map.has(k) ? map.get(k).id : 0);