我正在尝试实现个人的abstractMap。我的项目中有2种类型的地图,一种<String , List<Box>>和一种<String , Box>(方框是一个用其数量包裹物品的类)。但是,当我尝试map的put方法时,它向我显示“ UnsupportedOperationException-如果此地图不支持put操作”


public abstract class TamagotchiMap<X> extends AbstractMap<String, X> {

  public abstract Set<Entry<String, X>> entrySet();

  public abstract void attachCategories(Set<String> categories);

  public abstract void addItemForCategory(String category, Box box);

  public abstract String getCategory(Box box);

  public Collection<String> getAllCategories() {
    return this.keySet();




public class InventoryMainMap extends TamagotchiMap<Box> {

private final Set<Entry<String, Box>> entry = new HashSet<>();

public Set<Entry<String, Box>> entrySet() {
    return entry;

public void attachCategories(final Set<String> categories) {
    for (String category: categories) {
        this.put(category, null);

 * @return main item for this category
 * @param category is the category of item
public Box getMainItem(final String category) {
    return this.get(category);

public String getCategory(final Box box) {
    for (String category: this.getAllCategories()) {
        if (this.get(category).containsItem(box.getItem())) {
            return category;
    return null;

public void addItemForCategory(final String category, final Box box) {
    if (this.containsKey(category)) {
        this.replace(category, box);


public class ItemContainerMap extends TamagotchiMap<List<Box>> {

private final Set<Entry<String, List<Box>>> entry = new HashSet<>();

public Set<Entry<String, List<Box>>> entrySet() {
    return entry;

public String getCategory(final Box box) {
    for (String category: this.getAllCategories()) {
        for (Box boxIterator: this.get(category)) {
            if (boxIterator.containsItem(box.getItem())) {
                return category;
    return null;

public void addItemForCategory(final String category, final Box box) {
    if (this.containsKey(category)) {
       if (!this.get(category).contains(box)) {
           System.out.println("nuovo item");
       } else {
           System.out.println("item esistente");
           this.get(category).stream().filter(iterBox -> iterBox.equals(box)).forEach(iterBox -> iterBox.increaseQuantity());
    } else {
        throw new NoSuchElementException();


public void attachCategories(final Set<String> categories) {
    for (String category: categories) {
        this.put(category, new LinkedList<Box>());



class Test {

   TamagotchiMap map = new ItemContainerMap();
   map.put(string, box);




UnsupportedOperationException继承的put(K, V)的默认实现是抛出AbstractMap。您可以自己实现它,也可以让您的TamagotchiMap扩展一个具体的Map类,例如HashMap而不是AbstractMap

10-06 09:46