Env: win10 + Pycharm2018 + Python3.6.8
Date: 2019/6/23~25 by hw_Chen2018 CSDN:
ROC曲线 PR曲线
(2) 对于实验中使用的特征提取及构建的分类器,通过PR曲线可知,各类别中分类准确率最高的仍然是第一类,对于测试集全部分类正确,PR曲线面积等于1;分类正确率最低仍然是第三类,同样低于平均正确率,PR曲线面积等于0.584。
# coding:utf-8 # ------------------------------------ # topic: discrete express recognition # method: Gabor Multi-orientation Features Fusion and Block Histogram + random forest # source: 刘帅师等: 基于 Gabor 多方向特征融合与分块直方图的人脸表情识别方法 等 # env: win10 + pycharm + Python3.6.8 # date: 2019/6/21~25 # author: Chen_hw # CSDN: # 编写不易,转载请注明出处! # ------------------------------------ import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import cv2 from scipy import signal import matplotlib import time import csv matplotlib.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] matplotlib.rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' matplotlib.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False class DiscreteAffectModel(object): def __init__(self, dataset_path): self.emotion ={0:'Angry', 1:'Disgust', 2:'Fear', 3:'Happy', 4:'Sad', 5:'Surprise', 6:'Neutral'} self.path = dataset_path self.gabor_filter_size = [50, 50] self.gabor_filter_lambda = [2*np.power(2, 0.5), 3*np.power(2, 0.5), 4*np.power(2, 0.5), 5*np.power(2, 0.5), 6*np.power(2, 0.5)] # 正弦因子波长。通常大于等于2.但不能大于输入图像尺寸的五分之一 self.gabor_filter_sigma = [1.58, 2.38, 3.17, 3.96, 4.75] # 高斯包络的标准差.带宽设置为1时,σ 约= 0.56 λ self.gabor_filter_theta = [theta for theta in np.arange(0, np.pi, np.pi / 8) ] # Gabor函数平行条纹的法线方向 self.gabor_filter_gamma = 0.5 # 空间纵横比 self.gabor_filter_psi = 0 # 相移 self.filters_real = [] # 滤波器实数部分 self.filters_imaginary = [] # 滤波器虚数部分 self.filtering_result_real_component = [] self.load_dataset() self.build_gabor_filter() # self.show_gabor_filters() # self.show_different_gabor_filteringResult() # self.show_fusion_rule_1_result() self.process_images() # a = np.array([[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], # [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], # [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], # [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], # [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], # [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], # [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], # [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]]) # b = self.block_histogram(a) # print(b) def load_dataset(self): dataset = pd.read_csv(self.path, dtype='a') self.label = np.array(dataset['emotion']) self.img_data = np.array(dataset['pixels']) def build_gabor_filter(self): '''构建滤波器,分为实部和虚部''' for r in range(len(self.gabor_filter_lambda)): # 尺度 for c in range(len(self.gabor_filter_theta)): # 方向 self.filters_real.append(self.build_a_gabor_filters_real_component(self.gabor_filter_size, self.gabor_filter_sigma[r], self.gabor_filter_theta[c], self.gabor_filter_lambda[r], self.gabor_filter_gamma, self.gabor_filter_psi)) for r in range(len(self.gabor_filter_lambda)): for c in range(len(self.gabor_filter_theta)): self.filters_imaginary.append(self.build_a_gabor_filters_imaginary_component(self.gabor_filter_size, self.gabor_filter_sigma[r], self.gabor_filter_theta[c], self.gabor_filter_lambda[r], self.gabor_filter_gamma, self.gabor_filter_psi)) def show_fusion_rule_1_result(self): '''显示规则1的融合结果''' img = np.fromstring(self.img_data[0], dtype=float, sep=' ') img = img.reshape((48, 48)) # 实部 filter_result_real_component = [] # 滤波结果实部 for i in range(len(self.filters_real)): cov_result = signal.convolve2d(img, self.filters_real[i], mode='same', boundary='fill', fillvalue=0) filter_result_real_component.append(cov_result) dst = self.fusion_rule_1(filter_result_real_component) plt.figure() plt.suptitle("融合结果__实部") for j in range(5): plt.subplot(1, 5, j+1) plt.imshow(dst[j], cmap="gray") filter_result_imaginary_component = [] # 滤波结果实部 for i in range(len(self.filters_imaginary)): cov_result = signal.convolve2d(img, self.filters_imaginary[i], mode='same', boundary='fill', fillvalue=0) filter_result_imaginary_component.append(cov_result) dst = self.fusion_rule_1(filter_result_imaginary_component) plt.figure() plt.suptitle("融合结果__虚部") for j in range(5): # plt.title('融合后') plt.subplot(1, 5, j+1) plt.imshow(dst[j], cmap="gray") def show_gabor_filters(self): ''' 显示Gabor滤波器,分为实部和虚部 ''' # 实部 plt.figure(1,figsize=(9, 9)) plt.tight_layout() plt.axis("off") plt.suptitle("实部") for i in range(len(self.filters_real)): plt.subplot(5, 8, i + 1) plt.imshow(self.filters_real[i], cmap="gray") # 虚部 plt.figure(2, figsize=(9, 9)) plt.suptitle("虚部") for i in range(len(self.filters_imaginary)): plt.subplot(5, 8, i + 1) plt.imshow(self.filters_imaginary[i], cmap="gray") def show_different_gabor_filteringResult(self): '''展示不同滤波器对于同一副图像的滤波结果,分为实部与虚部''' img = np.fromstring(self.img_data[0], dtype=float, sep=' ') img = img.reshape((48,48)) # 实部 plt.figure(3, figsize=(9,9)) plt.suptitle('real component') for i in range(len(self.filters_real)): cov_result =signal.convolve2d(img, self.filters_real[i], mode='same', boundary='fill', fillvalue=0) # cov_result = np.imag(cov_result) # cov_result = cv2.filter2D(img, cv2.CV_8UC1, self.filters[i]) # cov_result = np.imag(cov_result) plt.subplot(5, 8, i+1) plt.imshow(cov_result, cmap="gray") # 虚部 plt.figure(4, figsize=(9,9)) plt.suptitle('imaginary component') for i in range(len(self.filters_imaginary)): cov_result =signal.convolve2d(img, self.filters_imaginary[i], mode='same', boundary='fill', fillvalue=0) # cov_result = np.imag(cov_result) # cov_result = cv2.filter2D(img, cv2.CV_8UC1, self.filters[i]) # cov_result = np.imag(cov_result) plt.subplot(5, 8, i+1) plt.imshow(cov_result, cmap="gray") def build_a_gabor_filters_real_component(self, ksize, # 滤波器尺寸; type:list sigma, # 高斯包络的标准差 theta, # Gaobr函数平行余纹的法线方向 lambd, # 正弦因子的波长 gamma, # 空间纵横比 psi): # 相移 ''' 构建一个gabor滤波器实部''' g_f = [] x_max = int(0.5*ksize[1]) y_max = int(0.5*ksize[0]) sigma_x = sigma sigma_y = sigma / gamma c = np.cos(theta) s = np.sin(theta) scale = 1 cscale = np.pi*2/lambd ex = -0.5 / (sigma_x * sigma_x) ey = -0.5 / (sigma_y * sigma_y) for y in range(-y_max, y_max, 1): temp_line = [] for x in range(-x_max, x_max, 1): xr = x * c + y * s yr = -x * s + y * c temp = scale * np.exp(ex * xr * xr + ey * yr * yr) * np.cos(cscale * xr + psi) temp_line.append(temp) g_f.append(np.array(temp_line)) g_f = np.array(g_f) return g_f def build_a_gabor_filters_imaginary_component(self, ksize, # 滤波器尺寸; type:list sigma, # 高斯包络的标准差 theta, # Gaobr函数平行余纹的法线方向 lambd, # 正弦因子的波长 gamma, # 空间纵横比 psi): ''' 构建一个gabor滤波器虚部''' g_f = [] x_max = int(0.5*ksize[1]) y_max = int(0.5*ksize[0]) sigma_x = sigma sigma_y = sigma / gamma c = np.cos(theta) s = np.sin(theta) scale = 1 cscale = np.pi*2/lambd ex = -0.5 / (sigma_x * sigma_x) ey = -0.5 / (sigma_y * sigma_y) for y in range(-y_max, y_max, 1): temp_line = [] for x in range(-x_max, x_max, 1): xr = x * c + y * s yr = -x * s + y * c temp = scale * np.exp(ex * xr * xr + ey * yr * yr) * np.sin(cscale * xr + psi) temp_line.append(temp) g_f.append(np.array(temp_line)) g_f = np.array(g_f) return g_f def fusion_rule_1(self, filteringResult): ''' 融合规则1:详见论文【刘帅师等: 基于 Gabor 多方向特征融合与分块直方图的人脸表情识别方法】 融合同一尺度下不同方向的图像 filteringResult: 每个尺度下各方向的滤波结果,实部与虚部计算都可调用。输入类型为列表,列表中每个元素类型为array return:融合后的array ''' comparedFilteringResult = [] # 存储与0比较后的列表 fusion_result = [] # 5个尺度下,每个尺度下个方向融合后结果,类型为list大小为5,每个元素为array for content in filteringResult: temp = list(content.flatten()) temp = [1 if i > 0 else 0 for i in temp] comparedFilteringResult.append(temp) # print(len(comparedFilteringResult[0])) for count in range(5): # 5个尺度 count *= 8 temp = [] for ele in range(len(comparedFilteringResult[0])): # 8个方向 tmp = comparedFilteringResult[count + 0][ele] * np.power(2, 0) +\ comparedFilteringResult[count + 1][ele] * np.power(2, 1) +\ comparedFilteringResult[count + 2][ele] * np.power(2, 2) + \ comparedFilteringResult[count + 3][ele] * np.power(2, 3) +\ comparedFilteringResult[count + 4][ele] * np.power(2, 4) + \ comparedFilteringResult[count + 5][ele] * np.power(2, 5) + \ comparedFilteringResult[count + 6][ele] * np.power(2, 6) + \ comparedFilteringResult[count + 7][ele] * np.power(2, 7) temp.append(tmp) # print(len(temp)) fusion_result.append(temp) fusion_result = [np.array(i) for i in fusion_result] fusion_result = [arr.reshape((48,48)) for arr in fusion_result] return fusion_result def get_fusionRule1_result_realComponent(self): '''提取每幅图像多尺度多方向Gabor特征,融合每个尺度下各方向滤波结果,将融合图像保存在csv中''' # multiscale_multiangle_gabor_feature_InOneImage = [] # 单幅图像多尺度多方向Gabor特征 gabor_feature_images_real_component = [] # 全部图像的Gabor特征实部 dst_real_component = [] # 保存融合图像 # 提取特征 for sample in range(self.img_data.shape[0]): # self.img_data.shape[0] img = np.fromstring(self.img_data[sample], dtype=float, sep=' ') img = img.reshape((48, 48)) tempRealComponent = [] for filter in self.filters_real: tempCovResult = signal.convolve2d(img, filter, mode='same', boundary='fill', fillvalue=0) tempRealComponent.append(tempCovResult) gabor_feature_images_real_component.append(tempRealComponent) # 其中每个元素为5个尺度、8个方向,共40幅图像的列表 for multi_info in gabor_feature_images_real_component: temp = self.fusion_rule_1(multi_info) dst_real_component.append(temp) return dst_real_component # 显示某一图像(如0)下某一尺度(如尺度序号0)的融合图像方法:dst_real_component[0][0] def get_block_histogram(self, fused_image_list): ''' 分块直方图 :param fused_image_list: 含融合图像的列表,样本数为213,大小为213,其中每个元素类型列表,5个尺度的融合图像,大小为5, 输入的元素的元素类型为array,包含48*48的array5个 :return: 每幅图像的直方图特征,共213条样本,每个样本特征维度5*6*6*256=46080 ''' block_histogram_feature = [] # 不同图像直方图特征,每一幅图像(5个尺度的融合图像)的直方图特征为其中一个元素 for multi_sclae_image in fused_image_list: # 遍历每幅图像 temp = [] for image in multi_sclae_image: # 遍历每幅图像下各尺度融合图像 tmp_block_histogram_feature = self.block_histogram(image) temp.append(tmp_block_histogram_feature) temp = np.array(temp) temp = temp.flatten() block_histogram_feature.append(temp) # print(f"特征长度:{temp.shape}") block_histogram_feature = np.array(block_histogram_feature) # block_histogram_feature = block_histogram_feature.flatten() # 展开成一维 return block_histogram_feature def process_images(self): ''' 提取每幅图像特征,并保存在csv中 :return: ''' fusionRule1_result_real = self.get_fusionRule1_result_realComponent() block_histgram_feature = self.get_block_histogram(fusionRule1_result_real) # print(f"类型:{type(block_histgram_feature)}") # print(block_histgram_feature.shape) with open("gabor_feature_real_component.csv", 'w') as gf: writer = csv.writer(gf) writer.writerow(['label', 'feature']) for i in range(block_histgram_feature.shape[0]): data_list = list(block_histgram_feature[i, :]) b = ' '.join(str(x) for x in data_list) l = np.hstack([self.label[i], b ]) writer.writerow(l) def block_histogram(self, inputImage): ''' 计算分块直方图特征,块大小8*8 :param inputImage: 输入灰度图,类型ndarray,大小48*48 :return: 分块直方图特征,类型为ndarray,一维 ''' block_histogram_feature = [] for row in range(int(inputImage.shape[0]/8)): for col in range(int(inputImage.shape[1]/8)): # hist = cv2.calcHist([inputImage[row*8:row*8+8, col*8:col*8+8]], [0], None, [256], [0, 255]) hist, _ = np.histogram(inputImage[row*8:row*8+8, col*8:col*8+8], bins=[i for i in range(257)]) hist = np.array(hist) block_histogram_feature.append(hist) block_histogram_feature = np.array(block_histogram_feature) block_histogram_feature = block_histogram_feature.flatten() return block_histogram_feature if __name__ =='__main__': time_start = time.time() classify_test = DiscreteAffectModel('face.csv') time_end = time.time() print(f"耗时:{time_end - time_start}"
2. 分类器训练与测试
import numpy as np from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.datasets import make_classification import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier from sklearn import metrics from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.model_selection import learning_curve from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scikitplot as skplt class classify(object): def __init__(self): self.load_dataset() self.classify_RF() # self.classify_GBDT() def load_dataset(self): data = pd.read_csv(r'gabor_feature_real_component.csv', dtype='a') self.label = np.array(data['label']) self.label = list(self.label) self.label = np.array([int(x) for x in self.label]) self.feature = [] feature = np.array(data['feature']) for i in range(feature.shape[0]): temp = np.fromstring(feature[i], dtype=float, sep=' ') self.feature.append(temp) self.feature = np.array(self.feature) # 降维 pca = PCA(210) self.feature = pca.fit_transform(self.feature) # print(sum(pca.explained_variance_ratio_[:210])) # print(self.feature) def classify_RF(self): self.train_feature, self.test_feature, self.train_label, self.test_label = \ train_test_split(self.feature, self.label, test_size=0.3, random_state=0) rfc = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=900, criterion='gini', max_depth=10, min_samples_split=2, min_samples_leaf=1, oob_score=False, n_jobs=-1, random_state=0), self.train_label) print(rfc.predict(self.test_feature)) print(self.test_label) score = rfc.score(self.test_feature,self.test_label) print(f"score:{score}") # print(len(rfc.feature_importances_)) predict_proba = rfc.predict_proba(self.test_feature) skplt.metrics.plot_roc(self.test_label, predict_proba) skplt.metrics.plot_precision_recall_curve(self.test_label,predict_proba, cmap="nipy_spectral") predictions = cross_val_predict(rfc, self.train_feature,self.train_label) plot = skplt.metrics.plot_confusion_matrix(self.train_label, predictions, normalize=True) def classify_GBDT(self): self.train_feature, self.test_feature, self.train_label, self.test_label = \ train_test_split(self.feature, self.label, test_size=0.3, random_state=0) # gbdtc = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=2000, # max_depth=5, # min_samples_split=2, # learning_rate=0.01) #, self.train_label) # y_predicted = gbdtc.predict(self.test_feature) # print(f"准确率:{metrics.accuracy_score(self.test_label, y_predicted)}") param_test1 = [{'n_estimators':[i for i in range(900,3050,50)]}] gsearch1 = GridSearchCV(estimator = GradientBoostingClassifier(learning_rate=0.1, min_samples_split=300, min_samples_leaf=20,max_depth=8,max_features='sqrt', subsample=0.8,random_state=10), param_grid = param_test1, scoring='roc_auc', iid=False, cv=5) #, self.train_label) if __name__ == "__main__": c_test = classify()