
Sub bringbookstogether()

Dim currentsheet As Worksheet
Set currentsheet = Application.ActiveSheet

Dim othersheets As Worksheet

Dim wbook As Workbook

Dim c As String

'assigns the number to start with

Dim a, b, d As Integer

a = 4
b = 6
d = 1

'assigns workbook numbers
If (d = 1) Then
    Set wbook = Workbooks("MaintPrep Sheet 1st")
    If (d = 2) Then
        Set wbook = Workbooks("MaintPrep Sheet 2nd")
        If (d = 3) Then
            Set wbook = Workbooks("MaintPrep Sheet 3rd")
        End If
    End If
End If

'End if it's done with all the workbooks

Do Until (d = 4)

'Looks for the sheet that has the same name

Do While (c = currentsheet.Name)

'Ends in row 99

Do While (b < 99)

'Ends in Column 52

Do While (a < 52)

currentsheet.Cells(b, a) = currentsheet.Cells(b, a) + Workbooks(d).Sheets(c).Cells(b, a)

a = a + 1

b = b + 1


d = d + 1

End Sub


首先,最好使用完整的文件名:Workbooks("MaintPrep Sheet 1st.xlsx")



Sub a()
Dim wb As Workbook

On Error Resume Next 'To avoid error 91
Set wb = Workbooks("MaintPrep Sheet 1st.xlsx")
On Error GoTo 0 'To avoid not seeing other errors.

If Not wb Is Nothing Then
    'Do stuff
    MsgBox "Opened!"
    'Handle the fact that it's missing
    MsgBox "Not open!"
End If

'Alternatively, OPEN the workbook if you couldn't set it in the first place:
On Error Resume Next
Set wb = Workbooks("MaintPrep Sheet 1st.xlsx")
On Error GoTo 0

If wb Is Nothing Then
    Set wb = Workbooks.Open("C:\FullPath\MaintPrep Sheet 1st.xlsx")
    'Do stuff
End If

End Sub

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10-12 19:04