

/* You can terminate a waterfall early by either falling through every step of the waterfall using
 * calls to `skip()` or simply not starting another prompt or dialog.
 * __note:__ Waterfalls have a hidden last step which will automatically end the current dialog if
 * if you call a prompt or dialog from the last step. This is useful where you have a deep stack of
 * dialogs and want a call to [session.endDialog()](/en-us/node/builder/chat-reference/classes/_botbuilder_d_.session.html#enddialog)
 * from the last child on the stack to end the entire stack. The close of the last child will trigger
 * all of its parents to move to this hidden step which will cascade the close all the way up the stack.
 * This is typically a desired behavior but if you want to avoid it or stop it somewhere in the
 * middle you'll need to add a step to the end of your waterfall that either does nothing or calls
 * something like [session.send()](/en-us/node/builder/chat-reference/classes/_botbuilder_d_.session.html#send)
 * which isn't going to advance the waterfall forward.
 * @example
 * <pre><code>
 * var bot = new builder.BotConnectorBot();
 * bot.add('/', [
 *     function (session) {
 *         builder.Prompts.text(session, "Hi! What's your name?");
 *     },
 *     function (session, results) {
 *         if (results && results.response) {
 *             // User answered question.
 *             session.send("Hello %s.", results.response);
 *         } else {
 *             // User said never mind.
 *             session.send("OK. Goodbye.");
 *         }
 *     }
 * ]);
 * </code></pre>

我正在学习MS Bot Framework版本3-这是他们在这里使用的版本。



module.exports = function showTickets() {
    this.bot.dialog('/showAllTickets', [
        async function showAllTicketsFn(session, args, next) {
            this.beginDialog.bind(this, '/showTickets')(session, args, next);

基本上,一个对话框会加载另一个对话框(之间还有其他一些代码,例如在数据存储区中设置数据)。 endDialog无处调用。但是在MS教程的示例中,每个瀑布都以某种形式的endDialogendDialogendDialogWithResults等)结束。

瀑布完成后,也就是运行数组中传递给beginDialog的函数时,用bot.dialog“打开”的每个对话框是否会自动“关闭”自身吗? (在上面的代码中,瀑布只是一步)。







08-26 05:52